Undisputed Championship
Matt Draven vs Harli vs Shadow vs Angel


Draven wins with a roll up on Harli as he is lifting Angel up for the Drummond Clash. Angel fell back and rolled out of the ring!


Your winner, and still Undisputed champion, Matt Draven.


Justin N Draze vs TGI Huk and Daze


TGI HUK kicked Draze in the gut and hit the Confusion! The ref then counted!


Justin broke the pin up. Justin picked TGI up and hit Draze's Dragons Fate. Justin stood up pounding his chest towards the crowd. He turned and was hit with The Fall by Daze! Justin end up being kicked out of the ring through the second rope. Daze stood up, but was hit with Justins CAB by Draze! Daze slide out of the ring. Draze turned and TGI ran at Draze going for the STO. Draze ducked TGI arm and caught it and hit the Confusion on TGI! He then covered him!


The winners Draze N Justin!


DJ vs Slash

(No profile sorry both of you lose.)


DJ clothesline Slash over the top rope to the outside. DJ and Slash were both on the outside trading punches back and forth as the ref counted them both out!


Non Title
GBL vs K-Dogg

(K-Dogg. No Profile..you lose. )


K-Dogg was in an arm wring by GBL. GBL then hit a Roaring Elbow and covered K-Dogg.



Non Title
Dem Boys(Tyson and Mr.X.) vs Joey Desch and Blood Wolf

(Joey and Wolf win.)


5 minutes later.

Wolf and Mr.X. tagged both there partner in. Tyson and Joey started to train punches till Tyson kicked him in the gut. Tyson then whipped him off the ropes and went for a clothesline to Joey. Joey ducked under the line Tyson hit the ropes again, as did Joey. As this happen Wolf clothesline Mr.X. over the top rope. Wolf watched Tyson running at Joey. Tyson went for a shoulder tackle, but Joey side stepped the tackle letting Tyson hit the ropes again. Joey then dropped to the canvas trying to trip him, but Tyson jumped over joey only to get hit with a Spinning Round Housekick by Wolf. Tyson dropped to his knees. Joey jumped up. Joey spun Tyson around and hit the J3D(sitout inverted brainbuster). Joey then covered Tyson as Wolf watched out for Mr.X.



Clarie with C.H.R.O.N.O. vs Mardy with Kody

Claire Leg Dropped Mardy and Pinned her 1.2.3.

#1 contender Defic Championship
Landry vs Christina Parks vs KJN vs Brody


Landry lifted Parks onto his shoulder and went for firemans carry. KJN then hit a dropkick. Landry stumbled back and Parks was dropped over the tope rope to the outside of the ring. KJN stood up and picked Landry up going for a Double Arm DDT, but Landry swung behind KJN and went for a Hurricanrage! As Landry was lifting up KJN elbowed Landry in the head a few times. But Landry was going to have KJN counter out of this, so he kept KJN up in a back suplex and hit a new version of the Eye of the Hurricane! Landry stood up laughing at what he did to KJN. As the crowd booed. He also yelled at the crowd excited that he had shown his innovative style of wrestling. Only to turn around right into Brody who hit him with the Bottom Floor. Landry though didn't land on the canvas. He landed on KJN body and Landry fell out of the ring next to Christina Parks. Brody looked at the crowd for a second before going for a pin to KJN!

The ref counted.


The winner and new #1 contender to the Defic Championship Brody!

Brody celebrated as some doctors came to ring side checking on Parks who looked like she landed wrong when KJN hit that dropkick to Landry. Replays went on as Parks got helped to the back.


Starting off the show is Matt!

I don't love how you love
but please don't leave me here alone
I don't feel how you feel
Well it's my fault I'm bones

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Remedy by the band COLD began to play and the WWFG crowd exploded with cheers! They knew who was going to be stepping out from backstage in a few moments! They weren't disappointed either! Out jogged the "Suicidal DareDevil" himself, Matt Draven! He stopped at the top of the ramp and twisted his torso from side to side, the WWFG championship around his wiast. He was still sore from the match he had against Harli last week. Anyway, he reached into the large sack he had been carrying and began throwing random WWFG official merchandise out to the fans as he walked down the ramp! Which led to the crowd giving him another large pop! Let's face it, who else throws out merchandise to the crowd?

It didn't take the champ long to empty the sack full of WWFG gear, and he soon found himself throwing the actual sack out into the crowd! He walked around the ring, slapping a few hands of the fans as he went, and over to the announce table. He plucked a mic off of the ringbell table and then rolled into the ring. He rose to his feet to another burst of cheering from the crowd. Grinning, Matt raised both his arms into the air as he walked about in the center of the ring. After circling several time Matt lowered his arms and lowered the mic to speak.

"WHAT IS UP WWFG!" he shouted into the mic to an eruption of cheers! Still grinning, he continued on.

"How did you all like the mainevent last week? Well up till the point that Angel decided to shove his face into?" Once again the crowd erupted into a cheering frenzy! Up till the point Angel's name was mentioned. Then they booed, loudly.

"Yeah, yeah, I feel ya. It's some bullshit that the match ended the way it did. However, tonight it will be different Tonight there will be a definite winner. Tonight there will be a clear cut champion!" he said into the mic with increasing volume as he went. By the end, he was shouting! The crowd once again burst into a cheering frenzy as Remedy hit the arena once more and the champ was out! Rather the Camera faded to commercial before fading back in for the first match of the night a few minutes later.

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Subject to Change! Sadly I had to alter some plans.