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Roar Out loud is an official Durarara Fanguild if you enjoy the show and manga then join! 

Tags: Durarara, Anime, Manga, Epic, Kida 

Reply DRRR!! RPG
[ AU ] Roaring Circus Nights★ [U/C]

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Icipher Infinite

PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 9:25 pm
[[ Rain here, setting up an Alternate Universe RP. If you're interested/curious, PM me. I'll have it done as soon as possible.
Also, I need a definite idea of who the ringmaster should be. ^ ^;

~ Pretty Banner Here~

Suppose there's a life of simplicity and ordinary peace in the morning til night...

And night is when our story begins.

Year = 2OXX

Ikebukuro Dollars; A Circus by the Pond
Why is the circus named Ikebukuro?
Hmm, rumors say the ringmaster came from such a city from his time and named it after his hometown...
No one has a clue about the Dollars part, though.

Side: Visitor

ωʜɑт ɑ ғʀеɑκ ʂʜσω.

The local circus seems to have reopened again after the cross country performing... Of course, you have never even heard of such a local event, but it seems like your friends want you to go with them. Why not use this as an excuse to go? It looks very exciting, as well as thrilling, but that horrid feeling you felt when you just entered... It seems like you can't exactly shake it off... Just what was that? But you try to enjoy your visit at the event, thinking it's just you. You look around, and can hear yourself laughing with the other visitors around you, but that sick feeling inside your stomach keeps returning, despite your being ignoring it.

After all...
What on earth could happen here of all places?

Side: Freak

ωеʟϲσϻе тσ συʀ ʜσϻе...

You are a freak. Yes, you are a monster, considered an irregular being of disaster, a monstrous threat towards humanity, and yet, you are set up on stage for their enjoyment and entertainment. It is rare that some of you freaks are treated nicely, and even given the privilege to leave your cage or tent to perhaps get some exercise. How many years have gone since you've become part of this place? How is your condition living here as a beast? You do not fear the possibility of escaping, but the world outside of the circus scares you... And not just that, but the Ringleader, the most feared being around, was said punish his dear little rebels quite cruelly...

You do wonder when is feeding time tonight, though.

Side: Staff Workers

ʟɪғе ϲɑɴɴσт ɢет ɑɴʏ веттеʀ тʜɑɴ тʜɪʂ...

Life cannot be any better. You are paid finely with your job, you get to enjoy free shows, and most of all, you get to laugh at these pathetic victims who end up becoming slaves under the Ringleader. Sadly, you happen to be a part of that group. You have devoted your life to caring for the circus' well being as if it were a real live... thing, but you are glad you aren't as treated as poorly as those monsters. You and the freaks have a common lord you look up and lower your head to, though. The mysterious Ringleader who recruited many over the last centuries. His age makes you feel weak, and just his stare is enough for you to break under pressure.

You, working as a slave to him just as the freaks do, are bound to the circus.
He's entrusted you to keep his secrets.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 09, 2010 11:01 pm
You Know the Rules...

1. No whining, complaining, or bitching in this thread. You have a problem, you PM me. We want to resolve things as peacefully as we can, ne?
2. Please, at least be semi-literate and keep everything in a neat format. I'm no Grammar Nazi or Spelling Police, but at least make your writing legible for everyone. We're not you, so we wouldn't really know what you're trying to say. :3 And remember to respond in third person, it makes things less confusing.
3. Keep everything (Violence, Romance, Cursing, etc.) to a PG-13 level. We sure like details, but don't go in depth.
4. Yaoi/BL and Yuri/GL are welcome. Just remember the rule above.
5. Try your best to be active. I know all of us are busy, but at least keep in touch with us by telling us what you're busy with. It would be horrible to leave us hanging...!
6. Godmoding is NOT the answer. You are no God of War, and automatically killing something or winning a fight is just boring.
7. Keep to your faction. However, if you want to change from Visitor to Freak, Visitor to Staff/Worker, that can be arranged. Make sure to make it clear at some point, and something can be discussed. (Or include it in your form.)
8. The RP does not revolve around you entirely. You are a part of it as a roleplayer, but if you can, wait for everyone else before moving on.
9. Don't make a certain number characters if you cannot deal with them. Make only one or two if you know you're busy.
10. You can make an OC, though it's mainly DRRR!! characters I'm looking for. Just no Mary/Gary Sue's... Please.
11. No one liners. At least a paragraph or so would do, since i"m not quite picky. If you can write more, than that would be lovely.
12. Don't start a flame war here. Take it to the private messages.
13. Please enjoy yourselves! This was made for fun, you know. ;D


Icipher Infinite

Icipher Infinite

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:59 pm
Plus a Color Guide for your convenience.

...And night is when our story begins.


PM me the forms, titling the message by different factions.

→ "Just a Peek~" = Visitors
→ "I'm not as Monstrous as I Seem..." = Freaks
→ "Getting the Job Done in No Time!" = Workers

Side: Visitor

[align=center]>> Visitor [b]ωʜɑт ɑ [/b]ғʀеɑκ[b] ʂʜσω.[/b][/align]
[size=9][b]Appearance:[/b] [[ [url=][ IMAGE ][/url] OR Discription. ]]
[b]Character's Name:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] [[ Doesn't have to be the same age as the canonical versions. ]]
[b]Quick History:[/b]
[color=Your Color Here][b]Response Color:[/b][/color] [[ Everything else is self explanatory... But this is the color you'll be typing in. ]]

[b]Other:[/b] [[ Likes, dislikes...? Something you want to add? ]]
[b]What Brought You to See the Circus...?[/b][/size]


Side: Freak

[align=center]>> Freak [b]ωеʟϲσϻе тσ συʀ [/b]ʜσϻе[b]...[/b][/align]
[size=9][b]Appearance:[/b] [[ [url=][ IMAGE ][/url] OR Description. ]]
[b]Character's Name:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] [[ Doesn't have to be the same age as the canonical versions. ]]
[b]Quick History:[/b]
[color=Your Color Here][b]Response Color:[/b][/color] [[ Everything else is self explanatory... But this is the color you'll be typing in. ]]
[b]What Are You...?:[/b] [[ What are your powers, mutations, etc...? ]]

[b]Other:[/b] [[ Likes, dislikes...? Something you want to add? ]]
[b]How Did You Find Yourself Here...?[/b][/size]


Side: Staff Workers

[align=center]>> Staff/Worker [b]ʟɪғе ϲɑɴɴσт ɢет ɑɴʏ веттеʀ тʜɑɴ тʜɪʂ...[/b][/align]
[size=9][b]Appearance:[/b] [[ [url=][ IMAGE ][/url] OR Description. ]]
[b]Character's Name:[/b]
[b]Age:[/b] [[ Doesn't have to be the same age as the canonical versions. ]]
[b]Quick History:[/b]
[color=Your Color Here][b]Response Color:[/b][/color] [[ Everything else is self explanatory... But this is the color you'll be typing in. ]]
[b]What Kind of a Job Do You Have Here?:[/b] [[ What do you do? Can range from performing, cleaning/dealing with the freaks, feeding the monsters, greeting visitors, etc. Can be more than one job, of course. ]]

[b]Other:[/b] [[ Likes, dislikes...? Something you want to add? ]]
[b]Why Are You Still Working Here...?[/b][/size]

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:07 pm

Characters of This Play...

The Visitors

[[ Visitors go here ]]

The Freaks

[[ Freaks here ]]

>> ωеʟϲσϻе тσ συʀ ʜσϻе...

Appearance: [ Kida-kun. ]
Roleplayer/Username:kawaii kida kun
Character's Name:Kida Masaomi
Age: 15
Personality:Very loud, charismatic, a charmer, and very sociable.
Quick History:Kida grew up in the same town for which the circus was named for. He'd always known he was a freak, but just couldn't or better yet wouldn't accept that fact. Not till that faithful day.
Response Color: limegreen :3
What Are You...?: I'm the star of course everybody knows that! my powers you ask well they include: super sonic voice, and the ability to take on certain characteristics of animals.

Other: Likes: being the star, sweets, music, and spending time with the other freaks. Dislikes: being caged up, the ringleaders discipline, not being the star, and spiders.
How Did You Find Yourself Here...? About a year ago a man stopped me commenting on what a freak I was. Of course still in denial about being a freak I yelled at him saying he had no right to judge me. He casually laughed a Cheshire cat grin appearing on his pale face. The man told me there was a place for people like me, where we could live with out the judgment, and snide comments of those who just didn't understand our kind. So I followed him and wound up here.

>> ωеʟϲσϻе тσ συʀ ʜσϻе...

Appearance: [[ [ IMAGE COMING SOON.] ]]
Roleplayer/Username: Nemuru_Rain
Character's Name: Heiwajima Shizuo
Age: Twenty-six
Orientation: … Bi.
Personality: Shizuo is very sharp and straightforward to most of the other members of the circus, freak and workers alike. Due to his intimidating appearance, his kind, soft, and gentle spirit is often overlooked. He shows great signs of strong leadership skills and is the type of man that will listen to your problems… As long as you hear him out, too. He can be calm most of the time in his work around the circus, but as soon as the ringleader is mentioned, he will explode.
Quick History: Often neglected by his parents when he was young, Shizuo left out to find his own path in the world at a very small age. During his early teen years, when he had begun to take various jobs, he began to discover his inhumane strength. His powers took the interest of a passing man of darkness, who he seemed to hate almost immediately at their meeting. When offered a high pay for working in a circus, Shizuo had to think about it twice, but was eventually drawn in like a fly to a light, thinking about his younger brother, Kasuka, whom he needed to support. This began his hatred for the ringleader and pity for freaks, just as he was treated like one. Shizuo began to work his way up and prove himself to be perfectly normal, which resulted in him being a freak and working as one of the staff. It’s rumored that he’s one of the only a few people around who can actually challenge the ringleader’s abilities.
Response Color: Bold Goldenrod
What Are You...?: Not only does Shizuo’s enhanced superstrength earn him quite some odd looks around, but his the others in the circus have gotten used to it by now. To make it simple, he has more freedoms than a normal freak would, though it those freedoms always revolve around work.

Other: Likes smoke, helping out around, getting along with others, getting things done and over with, working hard, relaxing, and doing what he can for the benefit of others ;; Dislikes that louse of a chairman, using violence as an answer, insolent brats, overly snobbish teenagers, smug grins, the chairman, getting pissed off, and the chairman.
How Did You Find Yourself Here...? Tch. Don’t want to talk about it again.

The Staff

[[ Workers here ]]

Your Ringleader

[[ The one and only boss himself here ]]


Icipher Infinite

Icipher Infinite

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:20 pm
Taken Characters//Freak Ideas

Taken Characters from DRRR!! + Their Roles...
Ryugamine Mikado ⇆ (Open) ⇆ ???
Kida Masaomi ⇆ (Taken? kawaii kida kun) ⇆ Freak?
Sonohara Anri ⇆ (Open) ⇆ ???
Celty Sturluson ⇆ (Taken? Kridnor) ⇆ ???
Kishitani Shinra ⇆ (Open) ⇆ Worker?
Kadota Kyohei ⇆ (Open) ⇆ ???
Orihara Izaya ⇆ (Open) ⇆ Ringmaster?
Heiwajima Shizuo ⇆ (Taken by Nemuru_Rain) ⇆ Freak
[[ Rest of the Cast Here. Roles are not definite and can be changed. ;3 ]]

Freak Ideas for Those Who Need Ideas...
Humanoid that can reattach his or her limbs.
Chimera, a being made of several different other animals.
Characters with animal-like features.
Being that can eat anything.
Jointed twins.

Etc... ~

[/Suggestions/Take Characters★]
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:26 pm
[[ What On Earth Am I Missing...? ]]


Icipher Infinite

Icipher Infinite

PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 9:40 pm
[[ What Else Am I Missing...? ]]

PostPosted: Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:47 am
[[ Just One More Should Do; We'll open the RP as soon as we get at least 4 or 5 forms. ]]


Icipher Infinite


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