Our world is hetalia next generation roleplay in which the children of the canon nations of hetalia take their place..The rest is up to you,the rpers..

There is a guild even for the rp since it has been around for a very long time..In the guild you can make private rp threads,get involved in the main or minor events or perhaps start an origianl hetalia cast or au rp in the au and original character section..There is even a fanfiction section and an OOC Chat..In otherwords you can go pretty much wild..

The Our World guild is right here

You can check character available in the character profile thread which is has it's own sub forum in the guild..If you see a character inactive sign above a profile that means the character is open for taking..

The roleplay is semi-lit to lit[read the rules in the guild front page for more]

If you have decided to join our roleplay send me a filled profile skeleton and remember to read the rules before hand...

[size=9] I’m owned by: (username)
I am: (nation here!non hetalia nations are also allowed)
My name is: (character name here)
I am: (insert age here)
People think of me as: (personality here)
I weight : (weight here)
I am this tall: (Write height here)
I like:
I Hate:
I look like this: (anime pics only please)
My uniform: (this field is rather optional,if you don’t want to change the original uniform then leave this blank)
My voice would be similar to his/her: (also optional..Write voice actor here...)
Ah I almost forgot: (other things you would like to mention)[/size]

Send the profile to me[Montmerency] with the title mentioned in the rules and as soon as I approve of your character profile I will accept it and send out a guild invitation..After that post the profile in the character profile section..

P.S. The other guild members and rpers are very friendly so it isn't hard to get along with the others ^w^