a meal for ye of strong teeth and tight budget
very versatile, can be used as toy bricks, hard object to throw at cheating boy/girlfriend, or even...food(gasp)
being simple breadlike cracker it will likely be well accessorized on picnics with butter and jam
utensils: oven
cookie/baking sheet
something with a stabbing point
strong hands(amount of strength depending on doughball size
measuring cup
large bowl
pizza cutter(works for me anyway)

ingredients: Flour amount varies depending on oven/cookie sheet size(measure in cups)
Salt one teaspoon per cup of flour
water however much is neccesary to bind flour and salt into dough

instructions: preheat oven to 400 degrees
pour desired flour amount into mixing bowl
add salt in careful amounts (remember 1 tsp per cup o' flour)
pour in some water(warm/hot feels better)
dig yer hands in and start mixin'
mix until dough is a lump and is no longer "very" sticky
slap dough onto flat(preferably clean) surface
flatten dough into whatever shape you desire
use pizza cutter to slice dough(best if sliced into squares)
optional:get your...thing with a stabbing point and make multiple punctures (4-12) this will make the hard tack very durable later
place squares(or whatever shape) on cookie sheet n' shove it in the oven
wait for 5-15 minutes
when hardtack is done the underside should be golden brown
bake until satisfyingly done
place on flat surface(one that won't melt) to cool
enjoy thouroughly