Just yesterday I found out that a boy I had gone through elementary to early high school (I graduated last year) has passed away recently due to cancer. He had it in his leg and had to get his leg removed, everybody thought that he was doing well, but apparently the medication and the chemo had a bad reaction and he just...died...

I haven't spoken to him in so long, and was never very close to him...although I was close to others that were. I knew that he was more than just someone I had gone to school with, so much more...but I can't ever forget him. He had one of the most characterable faces, and voices. He is just someone even though I haven't seen in so long I can still remember his face and voice.

I remember when I was in 8th grade he complimented a picture of mine while in science class, haha. I believe he got into drugs and such possibly the wrong kind of people, but I do not know for sure. Even though I could always feel that he had a good heart and good soul. At home I have a picture of us at elementary school with my neighbor smiling, he had the cutest smile as a little boy. I can see him smiling right now, and to me it's just beautiful.

It truly makes me sad that this happened to him, and all the people that it affected. To make it worse there are three people already dead that either have or should have graduated in my class. My ex boyfriend recently, Dan, and a girl named Chevez. It makes me so sad that these people are gone, because there were people that had been in my life people that existed...and now that they are gone I have no idea what to think. Have I been so stupid to realize that people don't die?

Did I think they'd be there forever so I could think of them when I wanted...I feel truely selfish in my thoughts or feelings....but I cannot help but be sad for this boy. I have no idea what he suffered or what he endured. It's just terrible, if anyone could give your kind words for Dan.... I keep using boy because that is what I remember him as...I do know that he was special, a very special person. In loving memory of Dan, I love you. heart