This is in loving memory of my grandmother who we sometimes called "Mamma" her favorite color was red
In 2007(i think) my grandmother, Marilyn, was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer. I was so crushed when i found this out. I loved her dearly. I was so devastated and thought she was juz gonna immediately die.Well, it was my Father's mother. I went 2 their house about once a month. And she lived next door. So i would go with my sisters to talk to her whenever she was. Because she was always in the hospital or sick i hardly saw her. In February of 2008 i was in NewYork visiting family and going to my Aunt's funeral.But little did i know tht my dad was visiting the same week i was there.So i went to my great grandmother's house which iz where my dad was staying for tha visit. And while I was there my dad took me into his room and said "Can I please ask you something" i said "Yes".So he went into the drawer and pulled out a RING! He said " I an asking for your permission to marry Angie"(my stepmom) I said "Yes" So later when we were eating dinner he propsed. So everyone was crying and all tht.....FAST FORWARD TO FEBRUARY 2009.....OK so it is a year after my dad proposed and it is the day of the wedding and we went to the Vow Ceremony and then we went to the hospital to visit my grandmother before we went to the Reception. So we all told her we loved her and what was going on and all that. But her Cancer had spread to her brain so she really didnt know what we were saying or who we were. So off to the reception we go. Then we have fun and all that at the reception. Then the next day my dad and stepmom are just coming back from the hotel they spent the night at. So we're putting up gifts and my dad went to the store to get gas or something. then the phone rings and all we(me and my 2 sisters) heard was crying and we ammediately knew our grandmother had died. So my dad had to spend his newlywed week planning his mother's funeral. How sad. and a week to the exact of the wedding day we were at the funeral.they did not get to spend their wedding week anniversary very good. This was not a good month. I go to school the folowing week and I am crying every second of every minute of every hour of every day. They used to always ask me " Are you OK" I replied "Do you think I am Ok? My freaking grandmother just died". I took al of my anger out on everyone. I felt like it was everyone else's fault that she died but I guess GOD just wanted her to be one of His angels to watch over me and every night I pray that she will come back to me. This month is February and it is almost a year of her dying.February 25th is the day she died.

I wrote this in art arenas so that is why it says february in the end. i hope sh ehas been watching over me and seeing what a young lady i have became and how she made me stronger.♥