My name is Jayson-Damian, and I'm seventeen years old.
My best friend is probably different than your because she shares the same bloodline as me.
I call her Sunny, and she is my sister.

Now, Sunny (I'm not adding her real name or picture because I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate that too much) was just diagnosed with Leukemia.

She was absolutely devistated. So much planned for her future, and now we can't be sure if she'll even see so far.

Being a teenage girl of 15, going on 16, It can be scary.
I'm always there for her, because I love her so much and know what it feels like to have something so scary happen to you.

I was diagnosed with Epilepsy at age 7, and have a serious heart problem that requires me to check into the hospital every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday for bloodwork, monitoring and sometimes surgeries.

Sunny has started her treatment over 2 months ago, and already her hair is gone. She used to have bright brown-red hair, and now it's gone. When it first started to fall out, the both of us couldn't stop crying. It's like reality punching you in the gut.
I know in my heart that she will get better, but things are always twisting in ways so unimaginable. It's hard to predict anything at all.

I just needed to share that.

Thanks. heart