Ugh...I really can't believe i'm actually typing this out...
I'm dating this boy and have been for well over a year. The whole time it's been great and wonderful and i find myself growing more and more in love him right?
Well, it's a long distance relationship. We plan to meet hopefully this year and maybe move in together.

This is where my problem lies...
You see, we've only done things via webcam (Scorn all you like! D=< ) and even then it took me forever to be comfortable with that.
He loves me regardless even though he knows what happened in my past. (Nearly raped by uncle on several occasions..I don't want to get into it.)
Lately with him...I just feel like i'm pushing him away and i really don't want to do that...
I think i have issues with intimacy because the more attached i get it seemed the more i want to shove, shove away.
He tells me i'm the most beautiful girl alive and that he loves me so much and it just rips my heart in half because i told him about my issue and he's determined to push through it.
I'm terrified i might get so bad that i break up with him over my own fears because i want him to be more of friend than all lovely dovey on me now...
I really love this boy, it's not like i'm trying to break his heart or anything but i just don't understand myself..I honestly just feel like sometimes we should have stayed friends because he knows so much about me...Every little fear and everything...

Advice is loved. <3