I bought a long purple wig last year in the hopes of one day being able to cosplay as my OC, Junni.
But in order to do it properly, I'll need a super-long trenchcoat and the patience to embroider her emblem on the back. I could do it without and just wear something like super-flared black jeans with a screen tee, but I just want the trench.
I think I like the idea of using the wig for Hazuki instead. xD;

A long purple wig huh? That sounds cool! I have a pink wig but I have yet to use it since I changed my cosplay plans and I really don't have any characters with pink hair.

Haha, it is pretty cool but a hassle to try and cut/style/make pretty.
What were you planning on using your pink wig for originally? An OC?

Nah, I mention I didn't have original characters with pink hair. I was planning to be Mimi from Digimon season 2 when she had pink hair with red streaks and stars.