Mr. Maurice heart xXXxHeart2HeartxXXx
Dec. 12, 2009: Our Story

Well, time for a little story about Gaia.

When the My Gaia feature came out, with the Notices next to my Avi, I said "Mkay, new feature." So I got "1 New Notice" after clicking it. But I look closely, and nothing new happens, even when I look thoroughly on My Gaia. So until today, I was so frustrated, I decided to set my anger off.

And when I set my anger off, I'm not myself. I turn more of a serial killer. So I ended up killing... A piece of paper! Dundun DUN!

And the piece of paper has fat blade slashes. But before I stabbed it, I drew the site on that paper. The GAIA logo I drew with my handwriting looks NOTHING like what the GAIA logo looks like. So anyhow, after letting off my anger, I "stabbed the site". and I mean "BURNING MAN" style, stabbed.

And just today, after I see that they fixed it, I decided to apologize to the site. And when I mean the site, I meant the Piece of Paper. I did the most noble thing. I taped the cuts together. As you can plainly see, the Tapes are basically Flowers for a "Get Well Better, I'm Sorry" message. =D

So to you Gaia, can you forgive me? heart
