Angel Nicholson
Angel Nicholson
I say when your ready to get married
What is the point of dating if your not going to get married?
I've been asked out starting at the age of 12 but have never acccepted just because of the fact I don't want to get married or have sex any time soon so whats the point of getting into something that you really don't need or want in your life right now?

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Because you're not just going to go out and marry some random guy. You want to take the steps in getting to know how a relationship with the person is going to work before you get married. You don't want to be in an unhappy marriage because you didn't take the proper steps.
It's the old fashioned "courting" idea.
You have to test drive a vehicle before you buy it. My views on sex before marriage are mixed (if you want to wait, go for it, but don't tell everyone who didn't that they're sinners, that sort of thing).
Anyway, there is a point to dating people you're not going to marry because you don't know if they're right for you to marry if you don't date first.
Your way of thinking there just strikes me as silly.
What's the point of marrying someone you barely know? You're never going to be "ready to get married" if you don't find a guy who can make you feel like that over time.
Also, some people just don't want to get married. My stepfather never wants to get married (they're married commonlaw), but he wants a good girlfriend to spend the rest of his life with. Marriage for him, is just too much of a formal title.
You don't HAVE to get married or have sex just because you have a relationship, but it is very wise to check out the dating scene before you even think about getting married. Like I said, you need to test drive before you buy. You don't want to tie the knot with someone who turned out to not work for you.

Anyway, that's my opinion of your post. Take it or leave it, but you, my dear, just sound like a silly little girl whee

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...and knows what the mind cannot understand.

I believe she meant dating in the mindset of: could he be the one?
And finding what type of man one would like to marry.
Instead of dating just for the fun of it(ie, most middle/high school relationships.)
Not meaning: well I'll marry the first person I date!

Ehh...She did post "Whats the point of dating if you're not going to get married?" The answer above all else is "You can't know if he's the right one if you don't date him first." You can't just pick one and expect him to be the one. Chances are you're gonna have to go through a couple before you find him. You can't know if you're ready to be marriedif you don't try him out. You can't just pick a guy and think "Do I want to marry him?" You should date him before you think that.

Oh! Hah. Kay.
We have the somewhat the same idea, then.
I didn't mean to think: hmm, is he marriage material?
through the entirety of one date.
I meant after a few dates, and then a more serious relationship.
Just "dating" being a variety of relationships with different men throughout a few years or so.
(not that there's one set formula for finding true love, ya one's an expert because everyone's different -- even if you make yourself sound like one)

Trust me, I'm not even going to pretend to be an expert at dating and marriage considering how my relationships went D:
Anyway, i just don't get why she's said "what's the point of dating if you're not gonna get married?"
I understand it....but it really doesn't make much sense. You wouldn't get married at 12 to begin with, why is it that bad to go on a few dates before you even think about getting married? That's all dating is. A relationship isn', You don't need to be in a relationship with the person to date them. Dates can be fun and it doesn't have to be with the same person, you don't have to worry about sex or cheating, or anything. Dating is different than being in a relationship unless you're already in one xD
But like I said before, you're not gonna know if they're marriage material or even if you're ready to get married unless you test it.
But it's 4am so I'm probly just rambling. I'ma go to bed now.