Her name was Pattricia L Fullerton she died last year do to a spread from a tumor that started in her breast but went to her bones and then into her brain. she took care of me for most my childhood and the sad part was the day she told me she had breast cancer i didnt even react cause in my head i thought right away shes to tough and stubborn to let something like this take her. they removed the tumor and two years later she was complaining of extreme back pain and after a pet scan thats wen they told her she had a tumor on her spine that was in its final stages and again i played it off like she was going to bounce back from it. but then it just wouldnt stop spreading from her spine to her should her shoulder to back to her spine and then after 6yrs of battling one of the most aggressive cancers she gave me a call letting me know she was going to hospice. few months later she started losing mobility and it was hard for her to talk or focus and thats wen the nurse took us in another room and let us know there was a tumor in her brain and if luck she would if another two months.she lived in oregon and i lived in arizona so i had to leave a week after hearing that news and it was so hard cause wen that plaine took off i knew that was the last hug goodbye i would give her i called her all the time after that but one day about a month after a visit i called her and thats wen they told me she lost all mobility and couldnt speak at all alls i could do before i started crying and hung up the phone is tell her i love her and its ok to go now 8:30pm the next night the call was given she was gone its been a year and i still have trouble with it mostly me hating myself cause there was so much i should have done but didnt cause i wasnt willing to even think of the would if it takes her for the entire battle up until that last month i just kepped saying anytime now she will be cancer free this was the last hug i gave her User Image