The following are some basic rules and guidelines we'd like everyone to follow for RP, to keep things flowing and fun!

(Work in Progress)

-First off, no God Moding. This means no being completely unstoppable or invincible. When it comes to battles, don't be afraid to take some hits, even with the more powerful characters.

-Please, try to have decent spelling and grammar. Things go more smoothly when we can understand what's being said. We're not asking for perfection, but for a strong effort at least in decent communication!

-Try not to control other people's characters unless you have permission to do something beforehand. We hope this can be civilly done through PM or instant messenger, but if that fails after a while, we'll ask you to make it clear in your posts that you're asking for and approving permission for such things.

-No killing off of characters, unless approved by the character owner. It especially helps if it makes sense towards the plot.

-Follow Gaia's rules of PG-13 and the TOS please! No sexually graphic content is allowed! Cybersex is a big no here.

-No invading into private or closed RPs... Start a RP of your own, or find a public one to join and ask kindly to be allowed in. You may still lurk in closed RPs, but posting without permission to join in isn't very nice.

-Post in a reasonable amount of time, don't keep waiting two weeks to make a post or longer (ie. BlackMN posts, someone waits two weeks, she posts again and they wait another two weeks. This pattern will drive her insane and she'll either leave the RP or move it to Hiatus), otherwise the RP may be moved to the Role Play Archival Forum.

-Treat others as you'd like to be treated! Be kind to one another, and be polite, and there will be fewer issues in the long run.

If an individual starts to become a problem by breaking rules, or causing trouble, they'll receive at least a few warnings before being removed from the guild. Depending on the severity of the situations, the total amount of warnings may vary. We want everyone to have fun and get along, but realize that some people also like to cause mischief and trouble.

Well that's all. Have fun, and get to role playing!