Hehe, I can see everyone that's looking at it xD
I love Google Analytics <3

Ugh i don't. Google Analytics is the reason i need no-script to use Gaia xP
You don't want them stalking you? o:

Google Analytics is fun when you're on the stalking side, but not otherwise. XD

Also, it looks good. x3

Oh that doesn't worry me.
Gaia won't actually load for me while i have google analytics just stays as a big white screen xP
Oh, that's odd. I haven't noticed anything like that on Gaia. It happens on other sites sometimes though. I wonder if that has to do with it.

Lici: Yeah, it's definitely cool. It's cooler, though, if it's your site. I have a hard time caring about that stuff for other people's sites. XD; I leave the SEO for other people to worry about.

Its just my comp...Cold has no issues when shes using her comp at mine xP.
It only happens when i use FF if i use IE it loads fine...