So... I was inspired while watching The Lord of The Rings: The Fellowship of The Ring.

I know that a lot doesn't make a whole lot of sence, but I'll elaborate and extend and edit later..

The remains of shackles on her ankles rattled with each step she took. Her tattered scraps of skirt tickled her legs. The cloth had been stained crimson from the blood of the fallen.

A ragging battle had been fought only moments ago, and now the girl was certain she was the only one left alive. She must get out, she must warn the rest of the knights. There was no doubt in her mind anymore that the King had sent his whole army against this dragon. The girl was only one of many whom the beast had trapped.

The heat of the inner mountain caves was suffocating her. Sulfur was thick in the air, but she was used to it by now. Four months of imprisonment had acclimated her to the stench. She felt her way around each wall, slicing her hands as she went. The walls were coated in small razor sharp rocks that protruded in dangerous stabs. As she ran for her life, she noticed that the floor was strangely smooth. It was rocky, to be sure, but on her bare feet, it wasn’t piercing the soles of her feet like the walls were doing to her hands. The hall-like caves were shrouded in an inky blackness making her sense of smell, touch and touch more acute.

Finally, after what seemed like years of silence, the girl heard something. The thundering footsteps of the dragon. He knew one of his prisoners had escaped, and he was out to get her back.

She knew these tunnels, or at least she thought she did. From what she remembered, there should be an opening, a secret passage in the wall somewhere. A blast of flame shot over her head. The Dragon had found her.

Though the beast had found her, she was thankful have temporary illumination in the cave. It allowed her to see the opening in the wall that she had been looking for. She picked up speed and ran for all she was worth, diving into the tunnel as soon as another blast rocketed past and singed the hem of her skirt.

The tunnel was small and winding, but the girl didn’t mind. All she knew was that she’d be safe soon, for the dragon could find no way to follow her on this path.

A gust of fresh cool air blasted her from a short distance away. She rounded the corner and found blue sky. She was so relived she almost began to cry. The King’s camp lay below her in a large basin type area. She threw herself down and shifted to her side. This way she could jump from the hill and begin running as soon as she reached the bottom. The hillside was made up of tall dry grass, making it a good place to hide.

As she was about to push off down the hill, a great looming shadow passed her. Afraid to look up, but pulled by the urge to know, she glanced at the sky.

A large green shape had cast itself off the mountain and taken flight with it’s great golden wings. The dragon had outsmarted her.

The beast descended on the camp and blew it’s great flames. Knights came running with swords drawn and bows ready from the tents and surrounding areas. One swoop of the dragon’s mouth, and it seemed half of the King’s forces that were left, were made into a sick appetizer.

The girl watched in horror as she saw her last attempts to save her kingdom fail in the quick work of the powerful demon creature. She had failed. Only a commoner, who had no obligation other than a deep love of her people to try and save it. In her greatest efforts, she saw her beloved empire fall.