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Deep below in the seas and oceans life yet goes on. Merfolk have created thier lives anew. They have even created races they they could follow into. Those races soon had wars. But those wars would soon be ended. The two caring of the races had a princess for each while the stronger had a prince for each. Now,those four would be bounded in matrimony


Ruthless,the leatei are like the vampires of the ocean they live in the dark depths, and have either a tail or webbed feet. Usually pale, some do have coal black skin. eyes range from many colors but usually black, red, or yellow. their ideas and cultures differ greatly from the rest of the folk. skilled with exotic weapons, tend to bite more.

Zayeen are fun loving yet carful folk. Living near the surface, they tend to be mor colored then the rest, having webbed feet, usually, though some have fins, but its rare. They are merchants and skilled hand to hand fighters.

living in between the surface and the dark depths, these folk tend to be the balance keepers. Their City is a sort of safe haven for outcasts. They range from dark skinned to fair, usually have fins. The specialize in short weapons and the arts.

a race that have studdied magic under water and have made it work with healing,fighting and even curing sicknesses. The reside in the brighter parts of the waters,friendfolk to the Zayeens.They have the normal looks of a mermaid. Human upper body and their tails are varied. Some with fish tails,shark tails and dolphin tails.

Prince ______ of Leatei - taken
Prince __________ of Atoija - open


Princess ____ of Zayeen - open

Princess Amalthea of Maquas - taken


Profile Skeleton and Profiles

Love Interest: (if any)
Appearance: (pictures prefered)

Name: Amalthea Zuri De Maquaquines
UserName: Mikiko Hatsumoto
Age: 118
Race: Maqua
Talent: Creating Healing Water
Love Interest: Father doesnt let me out much
Bio: Being the princess of the Maqua,my life is pretty much set in stone. My father keeps me well hidden until he finds a husband of his choosing for me. With my long silver hair and bright eyes,my father says Im a prize. An thats not what I want. I want to swim amoung the others. The last thing I heard was he was earching to make peace with the other kinds. Using marriage as a way to do it. My marriage,perferably.
Appearance:Dear Princess



1. Follow TOS
2. I am The Ruler here
3. Godmoding: Be mindful of what your character is; some minor things will be ok, just do not get carried away with it.
4. Cursing: is allowed but get creative with your words. You do not need to use foul words to sound wicked and mad; so do keep it down a bit.
5. Profile: Pm all profiles label Under the Sea ((corny,yes))
6. RP Posts: all posts need to have a picture and you only need to use brackets for OOC talk in a RP post.
7. No under age characters allowed; may look a bit under age. But I Will Not accept under age charcters.
8. Romance: is allowed, but when the clothing comes off time skip.
9. Writitng is lit to semi-lit please.
10. Will add more rules as needed.