With "ACTA" on the table and RIAA AKA Mp3-Police in fresh memory Teh Kosai is going to tell you how you win one of these puppet show court cases if you should ever be the victim.

First, Get a lawyer.

Second in Canada, America, Australia or Britain you have the right to privacy on the internet as such you have the right to view, listen or operate programs of impunity so long as they are not offensive to any government institutions. You also have the right to a fair trial and the right to an attorney regardless of what they tell you to try and scare you, if they try to scare you with threats of otherwise then you can say you where victim of wrongful and or harmful treatment during interrogation. You can also add that ontop of this you where harrassed by federal personnel which itself is a felony on behalf of your interrogators if you'd like to play hardball.

The evidence against you, as in the Mp3's or movies on your computer if they illegally monitored you ( Anything put on your computer, in terms of a program and or application must be accepted for installation by you, the user in a cleared detailed manner. Installing spyware without you knowing which is what they are doing is a felony offense even if it is a hound of the government or a comissioned operation ) is inadmissable in court. Argue that your civil rights ( once again ) where breached and that the evidence was obtained in an illegal and intrusive manner. Furthermore, you have the right to countersue the state/provincial government for virtual harrassment by the government as well whatever third party agency they hired to do the dirty work.

Remember this well, it could save you from a frivilous lawsuit.