Hi I am questing bitter porridge, and as you can see on my sig, I'm not very close. The reason I want it is to finish my first dream avi. I have a second dream avi, but that I will try to complete next. I'll put a tektek of them below. Well anyway, I like to quest things to keep me busy and lookin' good. I have many good items, and on last count, completed 4 dream avis ( but it might be 5 ). So I will be updating this every time I have a new quest ( that is, if this thread doesn't die ). I also have my own quest thread in forums. I will also post that below. Please donate, it would be very helpful. THANK YOU!!! biggrin

Quest bar --> User Image

Dream avis --> User Image
Total Value: 3,906,044 Gold
Gold I still need: about 2,000,000 gold
[Item Information]

Item(s) I still need:
Bitter Porridge

User Image
Total Value: 4,790,320 Gold
Gold I still need: About 4,500,000 Gold
[Item Information]

Item(s) I still need:
Monochrome Keido
Checkered Nightmare
Brass Raving Goggles
Music Notes Kimono Dress

My forum quest thread --> http://www.gaiaonline.com/forum/charity-quests/rose-garden-quest-thread/t.64762941_2/