Okay, there is this guy, I've known him since last year, but this year...he's paying more attention to me. I like him, but I'm not sure if he likes me. What I'm sure about, is that he knows I like him. How? Because I'm sure he confirmed his theories yesterday.

So, this is how my little story goes.

I was walking to my locker, it was the end of the day, and the hallways were crowded (as to be expected in a small school like mine.) and I was walking up the stairs...when my crush (the guy I mentioned before) comes up beside me...rests his hands on my shoulder (the one he is standing beside), leans lightly against me, smiles, and rests his head on my shoulder. I'm sure I blushed!

Do you think this means anything? I'm sure it means nothing except that he knows I like him, but that's all I think of it.