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~Magical Realms~ (Accepting! See PG1!)

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oO Lorelei Oo

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:33 pm
~The Story~

Long ago there was a place hidden by magic from the eyes of all those to it's normal realm. Its people were content enough to stay separate. Now and then times would come where the people would need to gather and group themselves for the betterment of each kingdom. Many wars, and many times of peace.

Some time in their middle centuries, things would begin to slowly change. Each of the races seemed to be of their own, hiding within their ways and realms, never looking to find the others until others were all but lost to the common knowledge and people stayed content in their own homes.

Ever changing magic soon felt lonely, it's spirit draining till it itself was little more then a memory carried on by those who use it heavily. It would favor these few, and knew it's cost. Being nothing more then a sentient force it could do little to prevent dark times from rising.

The underworld had grown board, as did that of the heavens. And soon both's actions to find more in their lives created havoc upon the realms. Fissures would erupt, seas would drain. Areas that had vast fields of green and gold, turned to nothing but sand. The world had been devastated in the wake. The magic watched helplessly as soon all groups would once again know of each other, and as most things spawned by fear of the unknown, would watch as they tried to destroy all but themselves.

Seeing this the magic focused on certain ones seeing a pattern that could save the realm and bring about peace once more. An enemy had been found, and so had the force to stop it, though it would take much encouragement, and nourishment for both sides to come to light and save their world.

And so it begins as the destined ones gather....
PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:39 pm
~Welcome to Magical Realms~

This is a literate RPG (if you couldn't guess from A- the story, or B- the following information). Please be courteous towards the other players. And while there is no post limit I do expect well written both Grammar and Spelling wise posts! Think like you're writing a story, because you kinda really are. If you must post random things, please do it with some form of cohesion in the post.

Now, that that is out of the way, onto all the information you may possibly need for this RPG. The following posts are to help with general fantasy guides for those who may be unfamiliar with this genre of play. After that will be the character Bios and GM list.  

oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

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oO Lorelei Oo

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:42 pm

A breed of Mammals. While they have many traits they are most known for their creativity and their destruction. About 1/3 is good, 1/3 is somewhere in between modes, and finally about 1/3 is hell bent on destruction, even if it's started by good intentions. Another attribute is that some can conjure magic through many ways and devices, though none possess any naturally on their own.

Halflings are a combination of Elf and Human. They vary in ranges of height depending on particular clans and parts of the world. They tend to appear as humans in base feature yet often have pointed ears and sometimes either softer (prettier), or more chiseled features. As like the humans very few if any have their own magic. They have to conjure it through other means.

Elves are usually tall and more beautiful in comparison to any of the humanoid like races. They are usually in tune with spirits of nature and its elements. Often considered guardians for their skills and lack of being bad at anything they set themselves to do. Perfectionists without trying. Some do have their own natural magic, but it is usually that of the hierarchy that does.

Great miners and battle-men. The live for three things; Mining great tunnels, Fighting, and Beer! They are loyal to a fault, but easily angered and short tempered despite their normal jovial temperament. Like humans they do not have their own natural magic, but they like it this way.

Half man/ Half demon in most appearances. Almost all have some form of wings, and none look like any other, there is Always some variation to make them different. While they have wings, they can't really fly. They do however glide on various air currents. And though they are strong enough to put gashes and holes in solid stone, during the day they become stone leaving them completely vulnerable from sunrise to dusk. They do not have any real magic potential to them, but can conjure it.

Lycans are half wolf, half human, or vice versa. Some can be wolves that change into human form by the light of a full moon, others turn from human to a wolf. Each variation has strong hunting skills and senses, though their human form is a bit weaker then that of their animal one. They have no real magic of their own unless the lycanthropy is of a spell put on them. Then its a magical transformation and not a natural one. In which case the user may have some magic, but in conjured form.

Lycans fall into this category but are not always part of it and are considered their own race. Weres are any human that turns into some animal form, or vice versa. Whether the animal they change into is a panther, to that of a flea, the principles are the same as Lycans. They change upon full moons, or if be-spelled, the change is when the spell allows.

Also known as Mermaids or Loreleis, These are predominantly merfolk. The appearances of merfolk varies from more fish like in a humanoid form, to half human with tails, gills, and some fins. Most have their own natural abilities that most perceive as magic, but it's not. They have a natural power tied usually directly to the water they live in or their voices.

Also known as aos Si, Pixies, or Faeries. These small little wonders are guardian like creatures. They guard usually the places they are found, be it a grand Forrest, a majestic sea, or an old small box. They are also known for their pranks when angered. And while most are tiny, they have strong ties to magic. Some can, if strong enough, even use glamories to be perceived as human or elf size.

Nagas are half snake, and half human in appearance. Though some look more like snakes with some human features, such as arms and a torso. They are good hunters, especially in places people will not typically travel, such as desserts or wasteland areas. The tend to use magic, but also conjured, not made of their own. Most are quite beautiful in form and physique.

They are a mix of a large cat and that of a large bird. Though most act like their bird halves. They can be skittish around those they don't know, but fearsome hunters. They don't have magic, or too many other abilities aside from flight and making dragons angry just for being. They are loyal to those they trust and have excellent instincts.

These Majestic birds are born and die of flames. They are often considered Fire elementals due to their entire bodies are engulfed in flames. They have all the senses of natural birds, however their magic is strong. When too depressed or just because they feel like it or can, they'll allow their bodies to be consumed in fire until only ash remains. Not long after, out pops another of themselves from the ashes. It is also a healing trick of theirs. Most also have healing properties.

Dragons are large beasts not unlike dinosaurs. They have an internal magic created on their own and only conjure because they can. Most are old and wise and definitely not to be messed with. Though not all breath fire or fly, some have other breath skills from other elements. If you must run into one, pray it is an older one, as young-lings tend to think with their stomachs and not their minds.

Drows are the fallen of Elves. Once banished from the light for practicing dark arts and magic, they have been slowly re-surfacing. Though most bare a hatred for their cousins of the light, some could care less and simply enjoy being free of the underworlds. And as their cousins, they too have a natural magic, but is usually twisted into dark magic.

Also known as ghosts. Are intangible, yet somehow have figured out how to play with tangible objects. Most go about unseen, and don't effect the everyday lives of others. Some are bent on revenge and will never move on to their next destination. Some are trapped to the world either to play as a guide till their release, or to warn of coming events that only they could know. They do get frustrated when people choose not to notice when they have something important that is needed to be told. Children will usually be the first to see them, if not the only ones.

Elementals are physical representations of the element they belong to. Earth, air, fire, and water. They show to who they feel is worthy to be in their presence if they show at all. They choose the form in which to show, which could change with each appearance. They do not have their own direct magic, yet they do have their own natural abilities within the element they control.

Come in a long list of variations. Most are evil, but not all of them. Some enjoy torturing and feeding off of humans and others, usually not elves (They fight back better and tend to be too pure for their tastes). Generally most have some form of dark magic or energy tied to how they are formed. Some also can take on a humanoid form but usually the stronger ones see no real need to.

Are usually beautiful in form and appearances. They are as good a hunters as most animals when stalking their pray. They can live pretty much forever as long as there's a food source or a safe place to hibernate if needed. Most cannot go into the daylight, but few clans still can. They do not have their own magic, like most they need to conjure it.

Also known as Fauns, are half goat/ half man in appearances. They tend to have dirty minds, enjoy a good wine and a peep show. Usually jovial in nature, there are some who are quite the opposite. They, like most creatures tend to be very skittish and scatter like rabbits when something spooks them. They care only for good times generally and tend to run from the bad. While they do not have their own magic, they are quite adept at lulling people into spells by way of wind or flute like instruments.

They are usually in the form of a large dog with three heads. They can range in size from that of a normal puppy dog, to larger then a human. They tend to make great watch guards for anything. Though they have a rough demeanor, they are loyal to their masters or their own, and love the sound of music played, which can often lull them into a nice slumber.

Changelings are hard to distinguish from any other creature or being. Most can only emulate living things such as people or animals. Most tend to stick to either variation, not many will change between humanoid and an animal form. While their own forms depend on what they were born as, which could be anything. They do tend to be tricksters of sorts since they can blend and hide in plain sight. Though they can change their shapes they do not possess any magical abilities of their own.

A combination of half man/ Half horse or deer. They are usually noble in intent. They enjoy running wild just like their horse or deer counterparts. Though not spooked easily they are fierce in loyalty and judgments.

They are a humanoid version of Bulls or ox. They can be stubborn in ways but generally good natured and trustworthy. They make good warriors and hunters when the need rises but also have a gentle side most outside their own kind never see.

Also known as Nymphs, are the spirits of plants, usually trees. They tend to be playful or forceful when angered. They can control the plants that they inhabit skillfully and also in a deadly fashion. Most are thankfully good in spirit and temperament.

Gorgons are a race of humanoids that have some magical ability. They are distinct by the fact that their hair is actually made op of many small or large snakes of different forms. Their abilities however lie with their expressions, if one were to look directly in their eyes they would become petrified (turned to stone). While most can turn this off and on, some clans are still unable, and all are immune to each other.
PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:46 pm
Conjuring types:

Magic can be conjured in many ways, below lists some of the more common ways one could do so.

Calling the aid of magic in some form of a prayer ritual. Usually one person alone can do this, generally used by healers, but depending on the need many may be called to aid in the prayers.

A ritual that is very unpleasant for one participant, willing or not, and a way of gaining energy to the others of the practice. Usually an animal or person is laid upon a stone slab, and with the act of prayer and killing the soul on the alter, the magic is taken. These are usually extreme measures to gain magic.

Crystals and charms (Enchanting):
This is where the caster/ user calls upon the power or magic that has been stored within some form of stone or charm, most commonly used is jewelry because of it's style and class. Though most need to be re-charged of magical energy by other means, some usually of crystal have their own natural magic for continual use.

Usually calls magic to a point or for some purpose from the area around the one calling it, or by various things they have gathered that has magic as part of it. Often takes a bit to get going but can be very powerful when it does.

Some use this way to gain either extra magic that they want or need from another that has magic within them. The victim of this usually either becomes very tired and weak, or ill.

oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

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oO Lorelei Oo

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:48 pm
Human lists for magical users/ Classifications.

Wizards and High Wizards:
Can technically be man or women, but generally male. Their magic is often considered messy by those with natural magic. Their magic is usually conjured from a gem on a staff they all carry, or the staff itself. Generally in their closed tradition, you may know one by their staff, robes of brilliant colors, and often pointed hats. They keep to themselves and dare not share how they cast with anyone else, even not to other magic users and sometimes other wizards.

Witches come in some variety. Most conjure their magics by way of book spell casting or potions. They tend to be set in their ways. Witches can also be male or female, though most are female. They create their magics usually in combination from plants and small animals such as newts. It can often be hard to see a witch or know of one. Most go into some form of hiding unless they are terrorizing some community or another. Most tend to wear no makeup, and wear loose fitting clothes, as well as often will have some form of book or notebook along with them everywhere.

Fire Witches:
Are different then normal witches, though they share a common name. Fire witches do have their own magic. Generally blonde to various shades of red Always to their hair, and almost always flame retardant clothing. You'll know a fire witch by the flames their hair becomes when angered or upset. Most don't use spells, but do have a good sense of control with the fire element.

Sorcerers and Sorceresses:
This varies almost like a combination of witch craft and wizardry. Most enjoy their towered buildings, even if it's just a tower for the building. They'll use books and charms, though most prefer hand gestures and vocal enchantments.

They can be male or female. They are the dabblers of magical conjuring. They seek out always knew ways to 'play' with magic. Most know some form or another and are well versed in the mechanics of spell creating and casting. They also given their field of knowledge, know how to dissect and break most spells. They tend to wear things that have too many pockets, or bags that hold everything they could possibly need. They also tend to annoy wizards because of wanting to learn about their staffs.  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:50 pm
Links for helpful ideas and more creature types:

Greek mythology creatures and such

List of different Demon types

World wide Mythologies  

oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

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oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 5:53 pm

I want the following sent via PM before posting as your character.

Magic: (If they have any.. if natural list here)
Appearance: (Please describe even if you have a picture. I know it's silly but it helps make sure people are aware this is a literate RPG)

For GM application Only: Why do you want to be a GM?

*Please be sure you have read the terms in the second post, the story and basic set up. It will be assumed you have once you PM a Bio for play!*  
PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:32 pm
~Story Updates~

oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

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oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 27, 2010 7:34 pm
~Current Players~

*oO Lorelei Oo*
Name: Lamia Orta'kaln
Age: 27ish
Race: Human/ Fire Witch
Magic: Fire magic.
Appearance: Lamia Has long wavy blond hair that turns reddish by the ends. Usually pulled back in some form unless angered, in which case it's useless as the ties usually burn up to ashes. Her eyes are more of an orangey brown color and she tends to wear loose skirts or pants in a green or brown coloring, and loose shirts under a corset vest she wears. Often wearing lace up sandals, but sometimes will wear traveling boots. She carries a duel belt, one that holds her sword should she need it, the other to hold various other trinkets. Also carries with her a bag when traveling usually carrying at least one extra set of clothes and a few personal items.
Background: Lamia comes from a long history of Fire Witches. So long that everyone in her family from birth is sent to a special school to train in their people's ways. Not caring for the schooling, due to lack of being able to work the fire as others did, she left and wandered before finding a simple city and starting up working in a shop for magics when she was in her early teens. She had developed a good bond with the owner of the shop and has since become their assistant/ co-owner. She has since been practicing her own magic as well as few other types she has found she could do. On one outing she had also saved a small little sidhe named Enki, who later would become her best friend. Also since her run in with Enki, a small black kitten she named Nightwish seems to have a thing for following her around whether she likes it or not.
Persona: Lamia tends to be quiet, and not very outspoken unless she needs to be. She says she doesn't enjoy the company of a black kitten that follows her but really has a fondness for the thing. Her heart is strong yet she to most seems distant and cold despite her fire abilities. She enjoys her sessions with boss and friend, as well as manning the shop for them. She also has a soft spot for a little sidhe called Enki and treats her as any other, except also in a best friend sort of way.

*oO Lorelei Oo*
Name: Enki
Age: Unknown
Race: Sidhe
Magic: Water shifting.
Appearance: Enki is a small little blue haired green eyed Sidhe. Her skin in humanoid form is a pale tan color, and her wings resemble that of a dragonfly's. When in her sprite or glow form she tends to have a small almost pin like glow, and a small light trail when in flight. She tends to wear little outfits her friend makes her for fun, though most of her people do not wear clothes in general.
Background: Enki was always a free spirit from that of her people in the wood. She enjoyed shirking off and playing with the various animals and plants around them. Though her magical abilities for water are strong she doesn't use them unless she has to. She soon found herself in a hot spot when outsiders came and began hunting her people. A girl she later found named Lamia, had come across the scene and forced the hunters to leave her people alone. Since then Enki has stayed by her side as both a thank you, possibly to one day return the favor, and because they had become best friends.
Persona: Enki is very carefree to a fault. She talks a lot of her mind regardless if others are listening, though it's usually only her friend who can hear her tiny voice. She enjoys sitting on her friend's shoulders or head as she works in the shop, and watching the magic session trying to pick up new ways to 'play'. She can also be very skittish at times without warning.
PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 11:49 am
Lamia walked about the cobblestone streets of Kasai as she did most mornings. She picked up the news from the marketplace stand owners, this one saying this, another saying that all while she listened keeping to herself and buying the daily food or trinkets for the shop. The day was gray for the start bus she never did mind rain when it came, and knew the market people needed some for their crops on the other side of the city walls. Turning with what she had gathered down another road she heard a slight little hum coming from one of her belt pockets knowing another was now awake. She would pause in her walk a moment seeing the little one emerge from the pocket with a stretch and rubbing her eyes, though still humming.

She smiled feeling the gentle movements of her friend's walk and smiled knowing Lamia could never leave home without her. She began humming her morning song as she stretched and took a moment to wake more before jumping almost haphazardly from the pouch of her friends belt, only to extend her wings and catch herself. She smiled soon moving to her friend's shoulders and took a seat, where she then proceeded to try and fix her sleepy hairstyle. "Morning Lamia! Oooh, is that yummi bread I smell in the bag? Is it, is it?" As the scent reached her tiny nose she became wide awake and even flitted off her friend's shoulder towards the bag. She made it about halfway in when her friend moved the bag away causing her to stumble before her wings caught her in mid air. She pouted crossing her arms as she returned to her friend's shoulder. "Why'd you do that for? You know I love the yummy breads people make."

Lamia chuckled seeing her friend but shook her head and glanced best she could to her shoulder friend. "You know better Enki, not until lunch. We do this so often you should know that by now." She noticed the pout and sighed pulling a small roll from her pocket and tossing it towards the sprite. She mused seeing it was almost as big as she was. "But, since I know we go through this every morning just about. I got you an extra present this morning. It better not ruin you're lunch appetite though." She said sternly on the last part, though had to chuckle with as wide as her friend's eyes had gotten as she hugged the roll and began chowing down. She shook her head lightly and resumed her walk back to the store. As she reached it she would pull keys from her pocket and unlock the door though kept the closed sign facing out still as it was still early for business. She brought her bag of treats to the back room kitchen as the owner Lambert came down the stairs leading to his home above the shop. "Morning Berty."

"Morning girls. I see someone got a special treat this morning." He mused seeing Enki with what he could only assume was a roll at some time, though almost gone now. He smiled seeing the little Sidhe munching happily humming a tune of happiness as she ate. He turned his attention back to his ward with a gently smile. "So, ready for another dreary wet day?"

Lamia smiled and nodded. "Enki warned me last night feeling the moisture in the air, so before I left I brought out towels and the mops just in case. I'll open up in a few moments, I just need to get some of the new stuff that came in up on the shelves." She turned seeing him nod and went to her business seeing Enki move from her shoulder to a table to finish her very big meal. She marveled sometimes at just how much or little the sidhe could eat and not get fat. She went straight to work though getting a box from the store room and brought it out to the shop rooms. There were three rooms all together that made the shop as well as the main room going up a ways with a latter to reach the shelves of books. She entered one room filled with different things for burning such as incense or candles and began placing the items from the box. Once Enki had finished her meal she also assisted with the smaller objects and placing things on some of the just out of reach shelves. Once finished she put the box away and set about opening the shop, with the final part of unlocking the door and reversing the sign so it would say 'open'.  

oO Lorelei Oo

Generous Mage

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