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[Monster] Elaphe's Room

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:46 pm
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The figures of two student furtively slipped into the gym. The vaguely female one suddenly jumped and squealed, "Oh em gee, Bruce! Don't grab me like that! I thought you were that Red lady!"

"Oh come on babe, you gotta trust me, this place is empty." Bruce leaned in closer, "It's just you, me, and the pool."

"Oh you!"

"Oh you."

Soon playful splashing and giggles echoed throughout the gym. So caught up in each other, neither student noticed that they weren't quite as alone as they had thought.


"Come'ere, Cindy, I have something I wanna show you."


"I'm not falling for that again!"

"Aw babe!"

"Well ok."

Dun-un Dun-un

"Hey wow...have you been working out? I don't remember you being this...hard before. Or large..."

"Babe...I'm over here."

Dun-un Dun-unDun-un Dun-unDun-un Dun-unDun-un Duuuuuuuuuuuuun



An hour later...

"Bin! Where have you been, you! And stop your dripping on the carpet!"
PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:47 pm
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Post 1. Title Page and Enrollment Post
Post 2. Table of Contents
Post 3. Elaphe (Basic Info)
Post 4. Elaphe Part Deux (Added Information)
Post 5. The Nguruvilu
Post 6. Dorm Room and Possessions
Post 7. Pets
Post 8. RP Logs and Relationships
Post 9. Image Gallery
Post 10.
Post 11.
Post 12.
Post 13.
Post 14.
Post 15.  



PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:48 pm
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Name: Elaphe Rivers
Nicknames: Fuzzball, Spot, Small Angry Weasel Dog, "Squirrel", Oochi Boo, HOLYSHITGETITOFFME
Gender: Male
Age: Unknown, though he has all the caustic spitfire of an ornery little teenager, so it's assumed he's somewhere in the 'adolescent' stage of his species.

Faction/Race Monster - Nguruvilu

Personality: Elaphe is a runt, even by the standards of his own species, and therefore feels a need to make up for this by being as loud, ferocious and intimidating as humanly (monsterly?) possible. Any natural pleasantness about him which may or may not exist is buried under countless layers of insecurity and bravado, which he clings in a sort of constant, high-strung desperation. Point out how little he is? Oh, that'll get you stung in the knee and shrieked at-- if you're lucky. Mention anything like adorable or cute when he's slithering by? Not only will he go after you then and there like a tiny rabid weasel; he will make the effort to find your room, lay in your bed, and bite something very sensitive (with every intention of removing it) while you sleep. The lengths he'll go to defend his 'toughness' are not only ridiculous; oftentimes they're downright suicidal, and he'll inevitably be the one who gets punted across a room, tied in knots, or just outright stepped on by larger monsters for the antagonism.

Secretly (though it's still obvious to everyone), Elaphe is a very timid, awkward, and even softspoken boy at heart, though he firmly believes all of this makes him even weaker than his tiny body does and is therefore in constant, fervent denial of it. Yes, he may secretly enjoy long bubble baths and singing to himself (most who hear this phenomenon shrug it off as a Chipmunks movie playing somewhere close by), but out in public? He will not only kick your puppy, he will FIGHT IT TO THE DEATH (or at least, give it the old college try).

... Also, like any TRUE monster worth his salt, he refuses (often stupidly) to back down in the face of any threat, digging his heels in and doing his best to intimidate a foe right back with bristling tiny hackles, flared eyespots and waving tail-claws-- ... until someone pulls a knife, and he screams and wets himself like a little girl. No, seriously; he has a ridiculous, borderline-PHOBIC ingrained fear of cutlery thanks to his species, and even brandishing a butter knife is usually enough to get him running away in near tears.

Ironically, Elaphe hates the fact that he's intelligent and takes well to academia, feeling very much like some awkward cliche of Brain Over Brawn when the brawn is what he's SO DESPERATELY WANTED his whole life. He'll even make the conscious effort to appear careless or disrespectful in class, believing it helps to foster his "tough guy" image, but once he's home, racked with anxiety and guilt, he'll inevitably wind up studying 'til midnight anyway.

Why are they enrolled in Amityville Academy? Academy tutelage wasn't usually relevant to Elaphe's family, who had always done just fine with the old "home school" approach of teaching the young pups to lurk in river systems and antagonize swimmers. His siblings (eight of them, and all sisters) excelled in their craft or were at least adequate enough to go establish their own whirlpools in the human world without issue, but when the time came for him to pass the graduating test of an illusory human encounter...

Well, the incident involved a kiddy pool, some mistaken identity like "kitty!", and a five year old girl the likes of which to frighten a demon. Needless to say, Elaphe was lucky to finally dislodge her and make a get away, shaken, humiliated and very nearly having died in that horrible six inches of water, but at least alive.

... It was then that his parents made the executive decision to send him to Amityville instead, hoping it might give their poor runt of a son some sort of alternative 'career' path, or at least make him less likely to be overtaken by toddlers.

Natural Ability: Drowning Grip: When submerged in water of (their) ankle depth or greater, the grasping strength of the Nguruvilu's tail-claw multiplies, ranging from approximately x2 in extreme shallows to x10 when completely submerged during adolescence, and gaining additional strength as the creature matures. Elaphe is no exception to this, of course, though given his lacking size and strength to begin with, against fairly large or strong opponents, he'd still be pretty useless.

ALSO NOTE: This effect is universally lost the moment an Nguruvilu is removed from the body of water, and "alternative" sources (ie: that questionable punch bowl at the party) MAY be used to trigger the effect, so long as any liquid in question still contains a high percentage of water.

FEAR: OW JACKDAMMIT YOU UGLY BITEY SQUIRREL: Typically triggered by a rush of fight-or-flight adrenaline, Elaphe's internal venom glands become supercharged with a fairly potent paralytic FEAR compound-- delivered through either his flexible viper fangs or barbed tail spear-- which may physically stun, cripple, or even completely immobilize an opponent, depending on their natural resistance/size/et cetera.

At his current first year level, the effect only lasts an average of 30 seconds to one minute, and the venom does not effect any vital-to-life functions such as breathing, so by itself, it's ultimately pretty harmless short of letting him outmaneuver opponents on those tiny legs or getting in some strikes without being squished. He can only use it once in a battle, too, since a single bite or sting typically drains his whole venom stock and he's got to regenerate it for a day or two thereafter.

As he matures (both mentally and physically), the potency of his venom will gradually increase, and he will not only be able to utilize it more effectively given finer control of delivery, but recover faster as well.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:49 pm
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Family Background: Elaphe's family history and background are both fairly mundane, so far as monsters go; born to a witty mother and a no-nonsense father in a stable partnership, he was the last hatched of nine children, and the only male in the litter. From the beginning, he was a small pup, but time only worsened the severe size gap between him and all his merry sisters. Soon, they were twice his size, infinitely stronger, and setting off to go brave the human world on their own, while he... well, wasn't. Wildly frustrated, against his mother's caution, he still attempted the crucial 'test' to prove himself worthy of independence and failed in a completely spectacular and humiliating fashion, ultimately prompting his parents to resolve that, no, their son would probably never be a "traditional" Nguruvilu and, yes, he was far too stubborn to ever give up the notion on his own.

Thus, they decided to send him to Amityville, hoping it would redirect their poor runty son's career ambition toward something a little more appropriate for his 'talents'. And also not get him killed. Perhaps they'd even hire him to maintain the school waterways, or clean the sludge traps at the pool! Oh, wouldn't that just be a dandy job for a little monster like himself?

... Somewhere deep down in his logical brain, Elaphe is probably very aware of his parents' intention behind enrolling him, but for now he's still clinging stubbornly to the delusion that he will bulk up and become Halloween's Own Terror Of The Sea by graduation. This safety-blanket lie may one day dissolve when he comes to terms with his lot in life, but for now, he'll still deny it 'til the cows come home.

Dietary Information: By Monster standards, Elaphe has a very weak stomach, and his tender digestive system can't handle much of anything ferociously spicy, gross, vomitous, fermented or rotting without bouts of violent illness. His primary diet consists of fish and other seafood-type proteins, with a particular preference towards species imported from or related to the human world. Cooked or raw doesn't matter so much to him as freshness, though; if it isn't fairly fresh (and FAR from decomposing), he won't touch it. Additionally, he will willingly consume certain fruits and vegetables (under the same FRESH requirement of course), as well as certain mild starches.

... And then there's that strange guilty pleasure with FEARnut butter and swampwater taffy, but he'll probably never own up to that one in public. He does secretly have a bizarre sweet tooth, and it's a point of personal shame.

Hobbies (well, sort of):

+ Swimming, first and foremost: in school, out of school, and anywhere between. It's a way of life, a pleasure, a stress reducer, and a thrill all wrapped into one, and to say Elaphe takes like a duck to water would be a gross understatement. Also, it's pretty much the only physical thing he doesn't suck at.
+ Fishing, particularly in the lake out back behind his dorm. Rods and poles? Oh, no; he likes the thrill of the chase much better! Going after the little bastards in their own element seems a lot more sporting anyway.
+ Scavenging for "lost" objects-- yet again, in deep or treacherous bodies of water. It's rare that he finds anything worth keeping, but really, he just enjoys that "Master of His Domain" feeling from getting to access somewhere other monsters can't go.
+ Reading. This one is kind of a guilty pleasure he both loves and hates. School research aside, Elaphe does have a taste for certain novels... usually involving weak or "belittled" main character archetypes who're championed by the end of the story. Go figure.

Behavioral Oddities and Notes Worth Mentioning:

+ Elaphe grooms himself daily, both old-fashioned "cat-style" and via daily bathing in the cleanest water he can access. He has a very sensitive nose, and is especially particular about keeping any weird smells out of his fur, thank you very much.
+ Similarly, he hates being stuck in close quarters with anyone who smells especially rotten or disgusting. He may not attack them with the Lysol can, but he might with his teeth, just to get them as far away as possible.
+ In a state of high stress or anxiety, he'll always gravitate towards the closest body of water he can access. It's one of those creature comfort things.
+ He finds it easiest to sleep when completely submerged in cool-to-tepid freshwater, hence the 'sleeping tank' in his room. He'll also curl up to doze in pond or lake bottoms, given the chance/inclination.
+ He never stays in humanoid form outside of the classroom or other "forced" transformation zones, and will always shed his skull pendant at the first opportunity. Ironically, despite making him taller (if only topping out around 4 feet), Elaphe feels even more like a fish out of water walking on two legs than four-- so much so, apparently, that he'll suffer the humiliation of riding a sparkly Kirinni around to avoid it.
+ For such a diminutive little rat, he's actually pretty resilient, and can usually take being stepped on once or twice before something actually breaks.
+ When startled or alarmed (in natural form, anyway), his first defense, funnily enough, is the old trick of puffing up, arching his back, flashing his sail, and looking like a Very Frightening Demon Squirrel. When he's trying to be threatening, he'll also emit a snake-like, hissing growl.
+ Funnily enough, he has two separate vocal ranges-- the perpetually grouchy, borderline androgynous 'normal' voice he's trained into himself, and the much higher, squeakier "natural" voice he was born with. Due to its abhorrent tones of "cuteness", he'll never use the latter unless he's COMPLETELY alone... or he's startled/flustered suddenly enough to slip.
+ He's still (secretly) struggling with certain aspects of his human form-- like the fact that his tail claw is suddenly attached in the wrong place, and he's having to balance all his weight on two weird legs, and he can't fit into convenient nooks and crannies so easily without getting stuck.
+ Despite being a monster, he does, in fact, have a (fairly narrow) aptitude for water based magics; he simply hasn't learned any of it yet.
+ Regardless of whether or not his FEAR is activated, he can (and often will) still bite or sting a threatening presence when desperate; it'll just be a "dry" hit (puncture with little or no venom) instead.



PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:50 pm
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Elaphe, visible in true form
approx. 3 ft. in length (stretched), 8-10 lbs.

The Nguruvilu (or "Fox Snake") originates from the native Mapuche mythology in Chilean folklore. They are an aquatic, river dwelling species which boasts a long history of surviving in the human world, conjuring whirlpools to antagonize (or even drown) swimmers and feeding off the FEAR it produces. Legend dictates that the only way to rid a river crossing of the animal is for a blessed shaman to snare and threaten them with a knife, banishing the creature further down the current, never to return.

There is an unfortunate grain of truth to the mythos, as all Nguruvilu are born with a curious and largely inexplicable fear of sharp or knife-like objects, but beyond the necessity of sustaining themselves on human terror, they are, in fact, a fairly passive species. Most individuals prefer to live quietly around whirlpools or freshwater riverbeds, and rarely venture far from the shore unless absolutely necessary. Like true foxes, they are omnivorous feeders, subsisting for the most part on fish, bivalves, and crustaceans, with the addition of local fruits, vegetables, or even small mammals if they can access them easily. The highest Human World concentration remains around Chile and South America, Nguruvilu can survive in any moderately temperate (ie: no arctic conditions) region around the globe... though most surviving current day have relocated to Halloween anyway, due to the changing times.

Adults, on average, measure approximately six feet from nose to tail, but may grow as long as eight, and typically weigh 30-40 pounds depending on bulk. On land, though they can strike quickly and move with short bursts of speed, their proportionally small legs make extended travel difficult, clumsy, and eventually very exhausting-- but in the water, the Nguruvilu becomes a completely different locomotive animal. Their swimming ability far exceeds any land-ambling in speed and grace, cutting through the current with a quick undulating motion somewhere between that of an otter, a crocodile, a snake and a seal. Their lungs can process oxygen both in water and on land with equal efficiency.

Fur patterning can range across a wide spectrum of various serpents, though most come in various shades of blue, brown, or beige, regardless, with spine membranes or "sails" sporting a brightly colored eyespot for various display and scaring purposes. Most rely on the brute strength of their prehensile tail claw to drag victims under, but very rarely, venomous mutations may also occur
PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:54 pm
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The Room Itself: Tucked away in a long hall of the Monster dormitories and verging on lakeside, the door to Elaphe's room is a particularly plain one and, unlike most, lacking any signs of rough handling. Upon entry, the room itself has a similar air of gently treated minimalism; it's a fairly small space, and perhaps a little disorganized looking, but very clean, with no lingering traces of musky stench or stagnation. On the floor, there are some mismatched blankets that seem vaguely 'nested' together, a large floor pillow or two, a trio of plush blue-black dog beds, two pet bowls, and the occasional stray chew toy. There's a very short book shelf pushed up to one corner stocked with various reading, and shoved aaaall the way against the back wall, there's a somewhat impressive looking (except not really) freshwater fish tank, complete with river sand, silk plants, and a little plastic skeleton.

"Normal" furniture is clearly not this resident's first concern.

Additionally, there is one window sporting a fairly clear view of the lake, and fixed with a swinging side-hinge allowing for both fresh air-- and maybe quick water access, too.

Current Supplies: 1 EyePod (with custom "snakeskin" coloring)

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1. Aqualung - The Lake 2. Get Set Go - I Hate Everyone 3. Sufjan Stevens - Size Too Small 4. KT Tunstall - Miniature Disasters 5. Rilo Kiley - A Better Son/Daughter



PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:56 pm
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... When Elaphe first set out on his own, pets were the absolute LAST thing on his mind-- and then, he met Nosi (aka, "Not Silver").

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Nosi, to put it kindly, is stupid-- as in, THIS caliber of ridiculous, survival-of-the-fittest-Darwinism-breaking stupid. One day, seemingly out of the blue, Elaphe noticed that the Kirinni was following him and, after three hours of trying to shake the creature from his trail, jumped into a deep pond with the intention of finally losing her.

... He didn't expect her to jump in right after him-- or that she'd sink like a rock, bleating and flailing ineffectually. Hating the fact that he actually felt GUILTY for her, he used his FEAR to drag her out and back to the shore, thinking she would then leave of her volition, and leapt back under. AGAIN, she plunged after him, proceeded to start drowning, and the process repeated. It repeated seven times before he finally realized she was just too stupid to understand, and resigned himself to taking her home.

Ironically, he is very fond of her (though he'll never admit it), and will even take the time to groom her after class each day. She's also proved surprisingly useful as his main mode of land transportation on campus since enrollment (given his tiny EVERYTHING legs and feeble ground clearance), even if she does occasionally run into walls and has this HORRIBLE HABIT of prancing in public.

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Additionally, he has acquired a second "pet" since coming to Amityville-- a hilariously familiar looking Scareon whom he has deemed Lapid. Lapid is, thankfully, a much more intelligent creature than Nosi, even capable of various tricks upon command. His easy going temper and low-maintenance needs were the reason Elaphe conceded to take him home as well, found roaming outside campus walls near the forest (clearly very hungry), and it was, but a certain very miserable realization hit him all too late on the way back...

At first he didn't get why people were laughing and snickering, but then, it hit him. They were totally Candlejacking twinkies. TWINKIES. Needless to say, incidents of being mistaken for another someone's "pet" (or at least, bad jokes about having clingy cousins) have skyrocketed since he obtained him, but... no, Elaphe can't even blame Lapid for that misfortune. He (guiltily) enjoys having a partner-of-the-water too much for that.

He's also hoping one day that he can train him as a water rescue aid for Nosi, so he doesn't have to always save the Kirinni from drowning by himself-- but alas, that's still a far off fantasy.

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Donner is the special helper dog, and also a neurotic mess of collective high strung panic. More to be added, but he's basically a heart attack waiting to happen.
PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:58 pm
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STUDENT COUNCIL VOTING BOOTH - In which there is but one post of anxious pessimism. Joy!
EMERGENCY SEX-ED CLASS - In which the school nurse attempts to teach people who should NEVER SPAWN about spawning.
By the Lake - In which Elaphe suffers a fateful encounter with a very small chupacabra who is still significantly larger than him.
Even Homidical Pets Need A Walk Sometimes - In which Elaphe walks his pets and it is a very bad idea.
Hexapoda Insecta Boat Ride - In which a very miserable descent to Hell begins. And also giant squid.
Supplies Tent - In which the shipwrecked as surely doomed.
TOO MUCH CUTE - In which there is TOO MUCH SUFFERING. And also involuntary hugs.
The Abandoned Town Path - In which our boy wonder discovers that he wants to go home.
Abandoned School - In which Elaphe finds himself shoved in a locker, bludgeoned with flying objects, and then dies. Horribly.
The Ether - In which there are thoughts and tears. Oh, baw.
Disaster, Disaster Everywhere! - In which it is exactly what it says on the tin, but surely Tomoko means well.
HEY SHORT STUFF - In which something very hilarious will happen.



PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 4:59 pm
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Official Character Art (by Pach)
Elaphe in Natural Form
Rough Natural Form Character Studies
Pretty Prancing Pony Parade
Grouchy Elaphe (by Chobi)
The Worst Best Sweater Ever (by Haliekins)
Elaphe 3D Render (by Blade Kuroda)
Facial Expressions (Natural Form)
Facial Expressions (Human Form)
GASP IS THAT A PENNY IN THE WATER? (by Rhazcrossbones)
The Bestest Water Squirrel (by Pach)
Battle of Derpmopolis (by Chobi)
Objects In Picture Are Smaller Than They Appear
Hey Wut Adorable (by Childs Menu)
Painterly Color Render
His Only Comfort

PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:01 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:02 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:07 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:09 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:10 pm
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:11 pm
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