When you're undead, the passage of time doesn't mean quite so much to you as it once did. So the fact that Cyrilla had lain down in her room, and remained there undisturbed for an extended time frame, would not have come as a surprise to some. Though for the dracolich herself, slowly waking and the realization of time dawning on her… it meant a lot. Classes missed (oh so many… many classes), pets left unattended (who knew what trouble they had gotten into), and time with her friends…


It was a sinking feeling, somewhere in the pit of what was left of her stomach, that her friends would have long since forgotten her. It was unnerving, in all honesty. It had been months since she had gone to rest, months since she had spoken to either Merope or Aymet. The letter she had received from the former, some time ago, had been distressing. And at the time, Aymet had been holed up in his own room, lost in his own little world.

So she just went to sleep.

It had been easier than trying to deal with the rising problems. Easier than trying to figure out what she wanted to do herself. In retrospect, it wasn't her most shining of resolutions. At the same time, what good would come of chastising herself over it.

To pour salt on an already festering wound, the dracolich was still finding herself with no plan. Her hands fumbled, pushing herself up from the pile of gold she had accumulated over her time at the school. That, at least, had not changed. Still, she would have to consider what was to come next. Search out Aymet and Merope, while hoping for the best.

Or perhaps just let sleeping dogs lie, and just go about her life otherwise. That was the easier option, of course. Though, maybe it wasn't fair to either of them. She had known Merope for a long time. The first friend she had made, even before school had begun. While she hadn't known Aymet nearly as long, she had enjoyed the kinship shared there. Many late nights with the both of them playing video games, or whatnot.

The memories rattled around in her head, causing her to heave a sigh. No. She would seek them out. With any luck, there would be something left to salvage. With more luck, they would be on the forgiving side.

… Maybe she ought to start with returning some of Merope's gold...