“Something Good”
By Sarah
November 7, 2010

Wishing on a star
Dreaming while I’m sleeping
Not giving up
Looking past the obstacles
Who knew this would pay off?
Luck must be on my side this time
Fate obviously realized
That my heart has had enough suffering
And is giving me the one person
I truly feel complete with
I thought I would only hear him say that
When I wished upon a star
Dreamed those words
His girlfriend was the obstacle
That I had to look past
And not give up hope that they would break up
Look what happened
He told me he wants to kiss me
And he wants to break up with his girlfriend
For several logical reasons
And for me
My brain still can’t believe something this great
Is entering my life instead of rejection
It feels like a dream and I don’t want to wake up
But I pinch myself anyways to find myself
Facing this gift with my eyes open
I’m glad that it’s my turn to be honestly happen
In fates, luck’s, and God’s eyes

tell me what you think