I miss you, Libby, even though you died a few years ago.
You gave happiness to my life.
I miss you.
I'm stopping myself from crying at this moment.

Libby was our shi-tzu puppy. She died a few years ago. Apparently, her head was wrong, I guess while she was being born her head got squeezed a little bit, ruining her life.

We chose surgury to putting her down. But the night before the surgury, she died.

My parents told me the wrong way. They said she was going to be gone for a long, long time.
I was 8, and took that as she was going to be away from home for a while until she was better. Me and my sister drew pictures. I didn't know why hers said R.I.P. Mine just said 'get better'.
A few months later, I asked about her, and they said she was dead, and that when they said she was going to be gone, they meant permanently. I was heartbroken.

Thank you for listening. I miss her so much. T^T

This is why I say beware of pet-stores. Libby was from one, and later I read that most petstores get puppys from 'puppy mills', where the dogs aren't very healthy. : (

Now we have a new doggie named Brody. She's a cavachon, a Bichon Friese King Charles Spaniel mix. I love her, along with our Rough Collie Huckleberry, but I still miss Libby. She'll always be in my heart. Forever.