I'm in the planning stage for what I need for my next Cosplay costume. This will be my first official Anime costume and I would appreciate any helpful suggestions in making it. The costume is of the character Syaoran from the Tsubasa Collected Memories series. I won't have a Lovely Lady to cosplay princess Sakura with me so I bought a cute "Plushie" of the princess to carry with me. biggrin

I have a 100 page art book from the series which will be helpful and I want to make the costume, not buy it. Only serious suggestions or comments are needed. Anyone one making fun of or make bad comments of my upcoming Cosplay costume will be reported to this guilds administration.

Thanks in advance for any help that my fellow Gaian's can give me. I'm really excited about this project and I know Syaoran's character so well that I will be able to be in character when I wear it for the first time at Youmacon 2011 coming this fall.