Anyone else love it? :'D
I'm in a huge Rammstein and Oomph! phase right now. So. Good.
And I'm going to Seattle to see Rammstein in May, I'm unbelievably stoked, so much so that sometimes it's hard to breathe I'm so excited.

But yeah. Fell in love, hard, with Rammstein a little bit ago, and now I'm loving Oomph, too. I've heard a few songs from Eisbrecher, and I'm liking what I've heard, I just haven't gotten around to giving them a really good, dedicated listen.
I think what I like most about it is the language. It's not English. I don't know why, but I find that really lovely in music. I get really easily bored with English music. I loved Dir en Grey for their sound and their Japanese, but when I found Uroboros in my CD store and bought it, I was really extremely upset to discover that all the lyrics on the album were in English (even though it's hard to tell because Kyo's got a really thick accent. XD) We've been on iffy terms since then. They're still in my top three or top five favourite bands, but still. Hasn't been the same.
And both Rammstein and Oomph tend to use growling (what I've heard of Oomph as of yet; they've got quite a formidable discography) as opposed to the screaming/ shrieking in English metal music. I like aggressive; I don't really care for the ear-bleeding. I mean, I'm all for some good, heavy metal every now and again, but if there's screaming, I have to be in the right mood for it. But I can always appreciate a hearty growl, any time of the day, any day of the week.

So, any other girls into German heavy metal? :'D