Here is my favorite salsa recipe in the whole world. It's super easy to make, and it's DELICIOUS! You should give it a try! <33

Recipe yeilds: 4.5 qts

5 Large tomatos, diced bite-sized

1 small japalanos or 3/4 cup canned japalanos

1 medium red onion, chopped

1 large bunch fresh cliantro, chopped

2 cloves garlic or 2tbs chopped garlic or 1/2 tbs granualted garlic

2- 12oz cans diced tomatos

2 tsp cumin

2 tsp chili powder

1 tbl salt

3/4 cup lime juice

1) Core and dice the 5 large tomatos, bite sized and set aside in large bowl or container.

2)In a food processor, blender or with electric hand wand... Blend canned tomatos, red onion, cilantro, garlic, lime juice and spices till desired blend (chunky or smooth).

3) Pour blended mix into bowl with fresh diced tomatos. Stir to distribute evenly.

4) Serve and enjoy!