User Image


...and the bloody little corner of my mind



# this is my shop! i have the right to ignore or deny you request.
# dont be mean to others. dont critasise others.
# look around then diside if you want art or not. IF YOU WANT ART ORDER. IF NOT GO AWAY. no need to linger around for nothing.
# dont critasis me if youre buying or not. im tired of that. everyone has their own style. its not perfict art like the art you people out there. so shut your traps. ok ^_^
# lastly...have fun, order art





Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5


Example 1
Example 2
Example 3
Example 4
Example 5
Example 6
Example 7
Example 8
Example 9


fill this out

[size=18][color=brown]i want~~~[/color][/size]

certin pose i want[color=violet]~~~[/color](is there a pose you want if so what)

more then one person[color=orange]~~~[/color](how many people)

who[color=red]~~~[/color](name the people you want in it)

referal image[color=green]~~~[/color](anyone spacific---anime characters----friends)

items[color=indigo]~~~[/color](any items you want in the drawing---flowers, hearts, moon, ect. )

you will pay[color=olive]~~~[/color](what are you willing to give--items---gold)

tip[color=darkblue]~~~[/color](if any at all)


Curently Working On


People in Line

1. {None}
2. {None}
3. {None}