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Just stop a while and listen to Me~
I have a question to ask of Thee
Why are you ignoring my Mother?
I chose her to be my very own
And greater perfection was never known
Why are you ignoring my Mother?
I was born through her so we would all be
Spiritual members of one family
Why are you ignoring my Mother?
I have sent her to you with a message Divine~
Not once or twice but many a time
And still you're ignoring my Mother!
She came with my message to La Salette
But those requests have not been met
Why are you ignoring my Mother?
I sent her again- to the cave at Lourdes
But just as before your spurned her words
Why are you ignoring my Mother?
To the fields of Fatima she came~
For prayer and sacrifices in her Son's Name
And still you're ignoring my Mother!
Between the hills of Medjudgorje I once again
sent my Mother
To teach you how to pray so you won't
stray and still your ignoring my Mother!
I sent her to Earth from Heaven above~
So you could give her your honor and love
And still your ignoring my Mother!
When you ignore my Mother
you ignore her Son because to me~
She's the dearest one!
Why are you ignoring my Mother?
You better amend and do not tarry
The ideal way to Jesus~ is Mary!
So please stop ignoring my Mother!
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