I am making myself a topic in the general discussion where I will talk about whatever I want to talk about in whichever way I like because I can safely assume no one's going to comment about it--except maybe some months from now. I will begin today by ranting about a particular audible book I don't think I'll be finishing--EVER. I really wanted to read (hear) Perry Moore's "Hero" because it sounded interesting. And it was. I came to love listening to the reader narrate our hero. Can't say that it was much of a relationship, though, because I've put the book down about 35-40 mins. in. Here is the problem, see if you can spot it with me:

We're listening to the main character (forgot his name) and he's telling us that he's at a basketball game. It's the game where a very important, life altering event happened that changed he and his father's life forever. His father's the guy sitting alone in the bleachers. No one sits next to him for reasons our hero explains. They live in a pretty bad neighborhood, too, we discover. With drug users and stuff. Their house was broken into when the hero was a kid, and he was almost killed, but his dad saved the day--well, the night. Anyway, our hero was digressing. So, at this game, he's playing all innocent like--just having fun because he loves to play the game and all--then he gets hit upside the head by this other player from the opposing team--and it's on purpose! *HERE YOU ASSUME THIS WILL BE LIFE CHANGING SOON, BUT I'M BOUT TO DISAPPOINT YOU!* Our hero knows the guy, but can't recall him... oh, wait. He remembers. Our hero used to work odd jobs a few years back. He read to children as a volunteer, but spooked them while trying to impress his superiors and ended up having to read to older kids. They didn't get their government funding for lights in the parking lot, but they weren't shut down either. Our hero was down about it, though, because he really wanted to earn that light money and save the day. Anyway, he was looking for something to read to them when a heavily accented fellow (whom he thought was one of his new charges) came into the room and asked him what he was doing. He tried to dumb it down so that his not-yet-speaking-good-English friend might understand him despite their language barrier when--oh ho ho!--his superior comes in and explains that the man was actually THEIR superior coming in to show him the ropes to his new position. Whoops, how embarassing! And now that guy has hit him upside the head, on purpose! And.........................and welcome to the first 35-40 minutes of this F#CKING book.

Do you know how much reading is done in that amount of time? And to have gotten absolutely NOWHERE with it?! Sadly, I no longer gave a horse's hooves what happened at the game. I was too tired of the run-arounds to care. BLECH, no more pleazzzzzzz!!!!!