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New Year's Day, January 1, 2011 - Feast of the Mother of God
"The Rosary of the Unborn is beginning to bridge the gap between Heaven and earth..."
Blessed Mother says: "Praise be to Jesus. "I am Mary, Mother of God." [She is all in white.] "The year
ahead holds many challenges in the Mission, on the world stage and in individual hearts. Every challenge
will be matched with a commensurate amount of grace from My Heart. It is important to remember this -
My promise of assistance in any need. Natural disasters will ebb and flow like the tide of the sea coming
in waves. The Mission here will take on a new role - an important role during these times of mounting distress.
Thus you will see more and more turn to this Mission and the spiritual journey offered here.

The Rosary of the Unborn is beginning to bridge the gap between Heaven and earth. Please express
My thanks to all those instrumental in this effort. The light of truth emanating from this Mission will shine
even brighter during the coming year, exposing hypocrisy and lies that the enemy spreads about the good being
accomplished here. It will become more and more difficult for the enemy to work covertly. This will be a real grace
for the Mission. Do not be alarmed by anything that occurs around you or in the world. Remember My promise
of grace to match every event or attack."

A Message from The Blessed Virgin Mary on the Day of the March for Life in
Washington, D.C. (Jan. 24)
Blessed Mother is here as Mary, Refuge of Holy Love. She says: "Praise be to Jesus. Dear children, in life
some things are negotiable; the TRUTH, however, can never be negotiated or compromised. THE TRUTH THAT
LIFE BEGINS AT CONCEPTION IS THE TRUTH. You must be united in this truth. Tonight I'm blessing you
with My Blessing of Holy Love."

A Message from St. Augustine (Lived 354-430), Early Bishop and known as a "Doctor of the Church"

January 24, 2011
St. Augustine says: "Praise be to Jesus. Today I have come to ask you to pray for the conversion of all
government leaders and religious leaders whose hearts have been won over by misguided self-love. When
I say 'misguided', I refer to love which is not based upon the law of Holy Love but upon self-gain of some sort.
It is this disordered self-love which has motivated abortion, terrorism and all other evils, be it love of money,
power or reputation. God looks only at the heart, not position or title or outward appearance. He cannot be
fooled or manipulated, for He is Truth Itself. When all is stripped away, each soul is responsible for the way
he influenced those whom he had an effect upon. The greater a person's influence over others, the greater
his responsibility before God."

A Message from God the Father (Feb. 5, 2011)
I see a great Flame that I recognize as the Heart of the Father. He says: "I am God the Creator of the Universe.
See in your midst the splendor of My Provision." [I am at adoration.] I have come to further refute the claim that
My miracles can be scientifically reasoned away. This is how abortion came into hearts and then into the
world. I create the human being at the moment of conception - body and soul. But people have
rationalized the truth of My Creation, making it subject to controversy. In this way they have made
the decision of the mother the determining factor between life or death for My New Creation. If I did
not will the formation of new life in the womb, it would not be there. You have so much evil present all
around you today - in the media, in fashions, music and art, and in false religions - that you have lost right
reason and made disastrous free will choices. Mankind must make My Divine Will the center of his heart and
soul if he desires to follow the path of righteousness. My Will is always and foremost Holy Love."