Hello and welcome!

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Since Heart no Kuni no Alice is getting to be pretty popular, I decided I wanted to do a manga fandub! So please, if you're interested, keep reading. Hope to hear auditions for you guys!

Taken from MyAnimeList: "In this story, Alice is not all what she seems. She is practical, strong, yet an cynical person. Instead of the tradition story, Alice is kidnapped unwillingly by a mysterious man with bunny ears into a place call Heartland. Stuck in Heartland due to a trick by the mysterious bunny eared man, she meets the residents of this world. Along the way, Alice meets Blood, handsome mafia leader; Ace, the psycho yet charming knight and more…What should Alice do in such a world!?"

ules 】
Following them would be wise, or I'll have your head! lolnono. I keeeeed.

          o2. No crying that you didn't get the part you wanted. Also, no bashing other auditions. Let's say you make a great Julius. If I see or hear from others that you're bein' a jerk, you'll be cut. I don't care if you're the best Julius fandubber out there.
          o3. You must either send me your auditions to xSatisfaction_Obsessionx@hotmail.com with a WAV or MP3 format OR you can make a YouTube response to this YouTube video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdM1x_K_ysQ
          o4. You must read all the lines I have provided for you.
          o5. I would love to hear emotion in your voice when you tryout. Sorry, I won't be accepting any robots.
          o6. And just have a good time. Because, if you're not having a good time, then why are you even here?

If we do not get all the characters casted for, then the date will probably be pushed back. After auditions are closed, the cast list will be posted on June 7th.

haracters 】
A quick note! I've had these auditions opened for a LONG TIME (since December). So, some characters are already taken. Sorry if the part you want isn't there. ;<

Alice Liddell:
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Peter White:
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Voice: Normal.
Role: The white rabbit.
Personality: When around Alice, make sure you can be hyper, in love, and over possessive. When interacting with others, or anyone who is trying to steal "your Alice" away from you, you must be apathetic, ruthless, and just, excuse my French, a d**k.
Other information: A rabbit who can transform into a humanoid bishounen. Not only did Peter kidnap Alice and force her to live in "Heartland", but he also forced a kiss on the girl as well when they first met (this was to force a strange potion down Alice's throat). He claims to be madly in love with Alice to the point where he becomes obsessed with her. When he's not around Alice, Peter is cold and ruthless. He's also the Prime Minister at the Castle of Heart, and his pocket watch transforms into a mini-pistol.
Line 1: (Slightly annoyed) You! You're suppose to follow me! What are you doing?! ..You have to chase me!
Line 2: Alice, of course I know you're name! I'm in love with you.~ Here, please drink this. Hm? No? Well, that's a problem, then..~
Line 3: .. Huh? Alice! I knew you would come to see me! But.. to have come so fast.. You must have really wanted to see me!

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Voice: Normal, calm.
Role: The knight.
Personality: Ace kind of has a split personality. Sometimes he's this happy and silly guy who enjoys getting lost in the forest. Then there's times where Ace will just go on a killing spree, but with a creepy smile upon that face of his. For his happy side, act a little silly and calm. When he's flipped his lid a little, still keep his voice calm, but maybe a little annoyed at the same time. And, make sure you make it eerie.
Other information: A calm male who seems to fail at directions. This leads him getting lost for hours, sometimes days, in the forest. Not to worry, he always has a tent in hand when he gets lost (which is 100% of the time). He says he has an interest in Alice, but does not love her, unlike all the others. Ace wants to be free from his role and almost kills Alice for his freedom. He secretly works for Julius (his job is to collect broken clocks, which he breaks on purpose most of the time).
Line 1: Whoa! Careful there.~ Sorry, did I scare you? By the way.. can I ask you something? Do you know where the Clock Tower is?
Line 2: Now you look worried.. If I took off my clothes, could you leave? Maybe I'd try to stop you. Maybe I don't want you to go. Maybe.. I love you, Alice..~
Line 3: ...She'll cry if you kill me. But, if you don't kill me, I could kill her. This is like one of your riddels, cat. Let me break her heart... or le me break her neck.

Blood Dupre:
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Voice: Normal, calm, deep, and even seducing.
Role: The mad hatter.
Personality: He appears to be a seducing, calm, suave man who is just a bad a**! Let's have his voice be deep, no?~
Other information: Blood Dupre is the leader of the Hatter Family. This mafia boss is very mysterious. Blood looks just like Alice's ex-lover, whihc he doesn't enjoy very much when Alice compares him to her old boyfriend. The only realy why he claims he hasn't killed Alice yet was because he finds her interesting. He says that Alice is very good at "seducing" men, which annoys the heck out of Alice! Blood also has a secret rose garden that no one can enter. Alice, however, did not know this rule and ended up watching Blood and Vivaldi together.. even though the two are suppose to be enemies.
Line 1: Easy boys. Didn't I tell you to get permission from me before you kill on my land? Oh, you're welcome sweetheart-- Huh? How very... curious...
Line 2: What Mary? Is that all you've got? I thought we were having a party, Mary. Guess your years caught up to you, Mary. Hm.. maybe this stems off from your stupid merry-go-round... (Blood here is teasing Gowland, who's first name is Mary. When saying 'Mary', make sure you emphasize it.)
Line 3: You saw something you shouldn't have.. and now you must be punished. I've always fantasized about killing an Outsider.. (Here, Blood figured out that Alice had seen his secret rose garden and his little party with Vivaldi. Being a little upset would be good, but still calm-ish.)

Elliot March:
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Voice: Normal, deep.
Role: March Hare.
Personality: Loud, silly, and a little naive. Make sure you can give the Twins a good yell when they get on his nerves(same goes with Peter, or Ace.. or just being called a rabbit in general).
Other information: Other nicknames for Elliot inculde the "newbie hare". Elliot is Blood's right hand man and is considers Blood his best friend. Though he likes to fire his gun when annoyed, Elliot is a pretty sweet guy. Elliot becomes angry if you call him a rabbit. "I like carroy dishes, not carrots! Rabbits DO like carrots, but I DON'T. See?" It's very confusing... Later on, it is revealed that Elliot was in jail for breaking the most important law. Later, Blood frees him, hence why Elliot becomes Blood's right hand man.
Line 1: What are you girl? A guest or an ememy? I guess it doesn't really matter. Gate-keepers, let me have this one. I was looking for an excuse to test this baby out!
Line 2: These aren't rabbit ears! Just look at what I eat! Carrot compote, carrot cookies, carrot cake, and carrot tea! They're all my favorites. I like stuff made from carrots, but I could never EAT one! (Very annoyed that he was called a rabbit.)
Line 3: Alice, do you hate me or something..? I know you don't like that white rabbit guy..-- Reeeaaally..? You're good people! Man, Alice, I love you, too! (Sad, at first, since he thought Alice hated him, but happy once more since Alice said she actually does care for Elliot.)

Dee and Dum:
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Mary Gowland (Minor-ish character, but still important!) :
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Voice: Normal, deep.
Personality: Since he's a happy man, we want a super happy voice! Deep, since he's older. When singing, His violin skills are just as good as his singing skills.. Hopefully, you'll know what I mean. Also, make sure you can be VERY angry when Blood Dupre is around, or whenever someone calls him 'Mary'.
Other information: He's the owner of the Amusement Park. Though he has no musical talents, Gowland loves to play the violin (even though he's terrible). He has a strong hate for Blood, due to the fact that Blood told everyone Gowland's real name, Mary. When angry, his violin transfomrs into a large rifle. His name is a pun for 'merry-go-round'.
Line 1: Yessir! And now that we're done with the meet-and-greet, I've got a present for ya. I'll play a song just for Alice! (Insert terrible violin music here). La La Laa La Laa La La Laa!
Line 2: Heh heh! You've got some balls if a bullet doesn't even make you flinch. But now I'm really mad! Now you've done it.. I can't be a gentleman if you can't be! Die!! (Very angry here.)
Line 3: Boris...! You dirty stray! You blabbed, didn't you?! You're right.. That and everything are his fault.. Blood Dupre. I hate Blood Dupre! I'm gonna stuff my fist down his throat next time I see him! (Again, highly annoyed that Boris blabbed about his real name.)

Boris Airay:
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Julius Monrey:
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Voice: Normal, deep, seems to be annoyed most of the time, calm-ish voice.
Personality: Very serious, and is a grouchy-puss!
Other information: Julius is the owner of the Clock Tower, the only neutral place on the map. He works as a mortician, ficking the clocks of everyone. With a level head and personality, Julius is often grumpy because of the hourse he has to spend fixing clocks. Julius is usually considered as the most "sane" resident of Heartland. The one's he's closest to would be Gowland, Ace, and of course, Alice.
Line 1: Who's there?! What are you doing here? Get out! Leave at once!
Line 2: 72 points. It's not horrible. It's just too strong. I don't think you ground the beans correctly. You seem the type to pulverize the beans, reflecting your constant need to overdo your tasts and prove some kind of point. (He's grading Alice on her coffee making skills. So be stern.)
Line 3: I know. I might end up hurting Alice. But.. I refuse. She is the one who decides where she lives. Even if it means she'll discover the truth.. If she's here on her own, I will respect that. (Though Blood is being mean to Julius in this scene, Julius remains calm.)

Nightmare (Minor character-ish, but still important!) :
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Voice: Calming, normal.
Role: The caterpillar.
Personality: Very mysterious, calm, dark, gentle.
Other information: An incubus with a weak constitution who frequently vomits blood. He hates hospitals, and doesn't like injections. Reading people's hearts, he has the power to possess them. Because he burns in the sunlight, his physical condition steadily worsens. On the surface, his social standing his high and he has many subordinates. Peter seems to have a close-ish bond with him, as well.
Line 1: Let me warn you about something... Every game has its rules. And those rules are cemented the second you start to play. (Have a mysterious and gentle voice here.)
Line 2: Hello, I'm Nightmare. I'm an Incubus, the embodiment of bad dreams. (Mysterious, a little dark this time, as well.)
Line 3: I'm an Incubus.. just a sick one. I can't believe I cought up blood again...-- I don't wanna go to the hospital! They're freaky.. (Sound a little scared.)

Lorina Liddell (Minor role) :
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Voice: Calming, sweet, caring, normal.
Personality: Very charming, and sweet.
Other information: Alice's older sister, she is regarded by Alice as beautiful, kind, loving and graceful, much to Alice's envy.
Line 1: Oh Alice. You were mumbling.. were you dreaming? Huh? A game? Sounds like a fun dream! Oh Alice, you're so strange.~
Line 2: This? Well, it's more like a novel, a fairy tale. The story about a girl who follows a white rabbit into Wonderland.
Line 3: Then Alice, let us play a game. You dreamt of a game, so you must really want to play. How about a card game?

The workers (Minor role) :
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uditions 】

o1. YumiAnimeFreak4Ever
o2. Carter R.
o3. XsakuraXanimeXgurlX
o4. MarixInxWonderland
o5. AnimeRox88
o6. Natalie K.
o7. Julianna P.
o8. Tyra1Shnana
o9. Dayne95159

Me scouting for people to join this might not be the right thing doing it here. BUT, it is a manga. ;< I hope this is okay. If not, I'm sorry.