___General Info_________ ₪ _Name___ +++ Seraphino
₪ _Pronunciation___ +++ S(e)-rafi-no
₪ _Meaning___ +++ Burning One
₪ _Nickname(s)___ +++↳ Sera
₪ _Gender___ +++♂
₪ _Birthday___ +++ 12/09/2010
₪ _Orientation___ +++ Straight
₪ _Mood___ +++ Detached
₪ _Personality___ +++ Seraphino has a rather detached personality. Having wandered from home wanting to explore on his own at a young age. He grew fond of talking to himself and responding to himself in order to not feel alone. A Few years of this however, even with the occasional company, has led him into an almost schizophrenic nature. While he is normally subdued, relaxed and kind he often finds himself switched with a more mischievous, devious and often cruel side. Internally arguing and fighting with himself often, has lead him to not want to keep company for too long and is his main driving force in always traveling. Most of his friendships and encounters, fleeting.