Hi, I'm Hannah Renae.
I live in a rural redneck town in Michigan.
My school is full of closeminded people, and the student population grows more and more each year.
We had a GSA, but it was canceled by our club president a month ago.
His reason was that not many people came to the meetings and we were getting nothing done. He had NEVER been to any of the meetings(He's a busy senior).
When the GSA was there...I was about to tell people I was bi cuz I knew I'd have support. 1 of my friends already knows I am..but he's a guy so..yeah. He's a good friend. ANYWAYS, Now that it's gone...I feel...Idk what I feel.
Last night, with most of my girl friends and the 1 guy friend who knows(the girls didn't), I went to my first Queer-Prom. It was so fun, I felt so accepted. Everyone there was supportive, fun, and cute obviously.

I don't want that supportive feeling to end. I know most of my friends wouldn't understand that this is who I am...and it basically changes nothing about me.

I just...don't know what to do...

P.S. not even my mother knows.