A girl, running through a forest, looking over her shoulder every few steps, as if looking for an unseen pursuer. Her eyes are dark and shadowed with desperation, her hair is dirty and matted, her clothes are torn and filthy. A branch whips into her face as she runs past, a trickle of blood falls into her eyes but she only wipes it away and continues to run. Running as if her life depends on it, never stopping. She looks back again – who or what is chasing her? What is she running from? Where is she running to?

Finally she can run no longer. Her legs won’t move another step, no matter how hard she wills them to keep moving. Exhausted, hungry, thirsty, bruised, cut, and utterly alone, she curls up on the ground and sleeps. Her sleep is not to be peaceful. Barely two hours pass before the baying, yelping, and howling of dogs fills the air. Minutes later, a pack of panting, slobbering dogs is almost on top of the girl. She opens her eyes; her face becomes a mask of terror, her mouth opens in a silent scream. She looks around wildly but sees nowhere to go.

Shortly thereafter, a group of men arrive, burly, hardened and uncaring, holding the dogs’ leashes. They tie the girl’s hands behind her back to bring her back from where she ran from. She will be whipped, beaten until her spirit is broken, until she is too scared to try to run again, until others are too scared to attempt it.

Who is she? We don’t know her name, and never will, but she is one of the many who had the courage to try to escape from their life of slavery. Unfortunately, she was one of the many that didn’t succeed. However, just the fact that she had the courage to try makes her a hero. Many didn’t try to escape; they had seen what happened to those caught and were afraid that would happen to them, or were afraid of what would happen to their family when they were gone.

*I have attached no name to the girl in this story for the reason that she could be anyone, or a very many people. For the same reason, this story is not set in any particular place: it could be set anywhere; virtually every place inhabited by humans has experienced slavery or some form of human bondage.