How does GNTM work you ask? Well it is very simple. Keep up with the steps below:

1. Judges and contestants sign up and apply.
2. When the week begins, contestants send in the tektek that applies to the theme.
3. During the week the voters/judgers will be omitting their results and opinions.
4. Also during the week, the contestants will be given challenges (these challenges will be judged by Gaia "celebrities"). They will also be given questions.
5. When the week is over, the episode of the week and activities are made into a video which is broadcasted over youtube.
6. There are 4 weeks. In the last week the winner of GNTM is chosen.
7. There are three winners. 3rd place, 2nd place, and 1st place aka Grand Prize winner.
8. Winners will be put in to a special forum with their general information of how they dictated their season of GNTM.
9. The cycle repeats.