Hello all my fellows and welcome to the Story Hut. This is where the guilds main rp's are going to be placed. When one rp is finished we shall begin a new one. Please do not post an rp in here, this is for the guild main rp only. If you make one here i shall just move it to Role Playing any way. If you wish to join any of these role plays then you shall be required to send your skeleton to me via private message. I am usually on so no worries on whether of not it'll be put up. But I shall inspect it and decide if it is acceptable, and edit it a bit for grammatical errors, what can I say I'm the guild editor. But the rules of the Story Hut apply to all Role plays, just to make it simpler. I shall however be adding extra rules to the rp based on the contents. if you guys have any suggestions for the first role play then please don't be afraid to pm or instant message me any time I'm on, just make sure to tell me your part of the guild. In conclusion you guys are awesome, remember guild rules #1 (My version) and you'll be golden. Pie=good!
