Send me your ideas! scream


The light was beginning to fall below the tree line around the only structure in a clearing of trees. It was cold and the first stars could be seen above. The clouds turning a pink, red, and purple color. The lights from the inside of the building, or rather the cottage or hut, could be seen flickering with fire from the single fireplace. Outside people had began to pile in one by one. Inside there was already several people either standing or sitting in a ring of seats and benches around a shallow dip in the floor into a sort of pit where a bonfire had been lit. As the last people entered the door was shut and all other lights but the bonfire put out. People had been speaking amongst each other the duration of the time and it wasn't until a tall young looking man stood and tapped his long staff upon the floor. Quickly everyone stopped speaking, moving, and the room sounded as if no one was there at all. The tall man nodded in appreciation to the crowd. "I must thank all of you for always making the long trek up to my home just to hear me talk." The crowd laughed and smiled but became quiet after a time. "Now on to the task at hand. It is Monday and you all know what that means." The man smiled as everyone shouted, 'A new story', or 'Story time.', and an old man said 'it means we hear you talk for an hour about what day it is, get on with it.' The man took a step backwards and put his left hand to his breast. "Now that was uncalled for. I only talk for half an hour about the day." Everyone laughed again, this time being quieted by a hand the man had raised. "Okay, okay. It's time to get to the business at hand. What story shall I tell this week?" Several people raised their hands but the man choose a small boy in the front. "You always make good choices Jordan. What tale should I tell this week?" The small boy stood up timidly. He wasn't very tall but he had dark hair and striking blue eyes. 'Well Mr. Strider, I would like to hear the story of the Soul Tree.' Strider laughed. "Well that is definitely a story worth telling. Now where to begin?" Strider seemed to be in thought as Jordan retook his spot on the bench. "Well I suppose the best place to start would be at the beginning." Strider began to walk around the large fire in the center of the room. "Now if I were any other story teller I would be beginning this story with 'Once upon a time' but I tell you now that these are all true stories. For i am no story teller I am a Traveler, an adventurer, and I tell you this story now not as as an observer but as someone who took part in these stories. Now look, listen, and learn. For where the magic is."