Yay! I finally got them! I was oringinally going to get 10 Black Neon Tetras, but after a few days of thinking about, I decided to split it half and half (well, sorta lol) and get Cherry Barbs too. I was also going to get 2 Endlers, but PetSmart stopped carrying them, and the only place to get them was out of the feeder tank at Pet Supermarket, and though everyone look healthy, that just wasnt going to happen lol

After going to Pet Supermarket, my friend and I went to get the non-existant Eldlers at PetSmart, then decided that maaaaaybe we should go in PetCo and see what they had (Keep in mind, I have writen to corprate about how crappy and terrible this PetCo is about their betta and fish health), and after pittying all the fish there, who all looked like crap BTW, we took a look at the Bettas and found this gorgeous black lace HM boy, with some butterflying and little bit of blue dragoning on his scales. The poor boy had pretty bad fin rot, and we couldnt leave him there, so we were bad and supported their horrible Betta care. He went home with my friend, and I will get some pics of him from her soon.

I tried to get pics of the new guys, but they are hyper lol So I took a quick vid instead =3


Dont worry about Copper and Jacobs (the Guppies) fins, I'm fixing them up lol Thats what happens when you are so busy that your fish dont get feed for two days and then Ayame goes nuts and eats his buddies fins :rolleyes:

And now, every body is in and looking good! One little female Cherry Barb got lost in the school of Black Neons LOL She looks so confused

