I have lost the faith of ever finding the road
To you and your nonchalant melancholy essence
Of betrayal
You make me tremble with weakness…
Chilled to the bone…I can't seem to shake off
What is this power you have over me?

You are like a fly on the wall…
Invisible from my mind's eye …
You have me paranoid
Trying to catch me doing something
Dirty and despicable …I am at your mercy

The only comfort I receive is when you're asleep
My only chance of escaping is looking at the man on the moon
His moon beams kisses me ever so gently and releases my
Anxiety and the overwhelming desire to lay with you
Just to be engulfed by your hindrance

I used to be an oyster, wanting to explore the unknown
But now I am just a rag doll sitting on a shelf covered in dust
The colors are fading off my face…replaced by a hallow porcelain mask
You stitched me up with the best of your abilities to keep me from the world
I am a collector's item to be treasured…
Auctioned off to your fiendish hands

I have been made into a doll…despite my please
And banging on the walls…of my humble incarceration
It's my fault I let this go too far…
Suffering the consequences is inevitable and long over due
So dress me up in linen and lace and hold me like a precious doll…