Well we finally moved! Last thursday. We were up till 4 am moving stuff and the dogs came once we were all moved in and they freaked. Josie was spooked to, but now they seem to be enjoying it. The yard is bigger and overall nicer, we have a screened in porch that was probably put their originally as a cat house thing(?) where Joise likes to hang out. The only thing is the dogs refuse to be outside by themselves. As soon as their let out and you shut the door their back wanting in. The only way they'll stay outside is if someones out there or the doors open so they can come in and out. Bo hasn't used his crate since the move and he's done great! But he still will have to be crated when we leave because he started trying to open the door when we leave and is scratching the paint off(oh and we're renting again). The manager who takes care of all the houses happens to be the mother of a girl I went to preschool with and they have three dogs one being a huge boxer and the other pittie and the third is some small fluffy breed. She also wants me to help out with her petsitting business which is just awesome for me and I can't wait to get started. And our neighbors are nice and they have either a boxer or a bulldog. I've seen the dog outside, but I think they have two because the one I saw the other day was all white and the one that was barking at us through the window was brindle and white. SO I dunno.... We've also got a colony of feral cats living behind us(their all spayed/neutered and vaccinated) and something has been getting into the screened porch area and getting into the trash and ate all the cats food last night and I'm thinking racoon which kinda worries us all because the whole rabies issue. So we've been kepping a look out and everyone's inside at night and Bo needs to get his shots updated soon so yeah...

Anyway enough blabbing... I was finally able to get some good pics to share.

Josie trying to help pack
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Hugzz for doggehs
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We be guard dogz
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what u lookin at?
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I smeelz sumin fishy
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waz dat? (heard the neighbor's dog barking)
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We were trying to get a shot to send in with her ILP registration
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