Before I begin:
I feel this should be here for all to see. So try not to move it. - 3-

I know some of you (Or a lot) need to work on your roleplay skills. Basically, y'all kind of... Suck. :T Not to single anyone out.

And I'll probably get trolled/banned/totally murdered for saying it, but I feel that it's necessary. You guys should work on it.

Which is great that I stumbled upon this amazingly detailed and excruciatingly long guide on how to fix your act. See how nice I am?

Here, you'll find just about everything you'll need to start, join, or even just be courteous to your fellow roleplayers.

Just a thought.

Of course you don't have to go reading the whole thing, but I found it pretty useful, and I'm sure you will also.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to hide somewhere before the knives and pitchforks come out...
-Scampers away..-