I'm wanting to get this guild going. Here are a few things in our guild that have been dead and could use a jump start.

75K Lotto

We have a 75K Lotto in the games corner where you can buy tickets and when all the tickets are bought we draw numbers. A lot of gold is on the line, and you could win big. I need some more people to go buy some tickets. We only have three sold out of 20. You can buy as many as you want, and win as many as your tickets that are chosen. Also, this lotto is a reoccurring game. when its over, we will start over and you can try your luck all over again. So please go and look and buy some tickets!


Instead of mentioning "members" since that's not getting us anywhere, I'll use a new word. Advertising. We need to get some advertising going. In the main forum we have "Guild Banners and Ads" (what do you know). There you will find Banners and Ads to Advertise. (which we need more of). Notice the pictures are links. They link back to the guild home page. To copy this picture with the link:
-See what number it is (1, 2, 3, 4, etc....)
-"Quote" the post
-copy the url and picture link that is mixed in this weird way.
-post it in your signature or on your profile or anywhere on gaia.


I'm wanting to get some contests going. It would be a lot of fun to do it. But if I was to start a contest now I doubt anyone would participate and there would only be 2 people with an entry by the time they're due. Who's going to get 3rd place? Invisible Bob?


So all in all, we just need more people and activity. We have (i believe) 20 people in this guild. Every one person could buy one ticket in the lotto. Everyone can post in the games and we could open a contest if 10 people participated. We can be alive with just these 20 people. But we only have about 5 that post everyday. C'mon everyone. Do something. I'm wanting to get this guild going. Here are a few things in our guild that have been dead and could use a jump start.

Guild Captain
Rayne Engel