Today at work, I went to find a couple coworkers that had gotten there before I had to see what needed to be done and found that they were outside making sure a dog was not gonna run into the kitchen or the truck (we were getting a shipment, so a guy was going in and out with the deliveries). He was a pit bull/pit bull mix. He was super cute and super friendly! He loved everyone! He had a collar, but no tags. He was thought to belong to a regular customer. No one wanted to call animal control. I found out that our state/county and neighboring counties had passed a law stating that any pit bull that enters a shelter must be killed, even if it is a no-kill shelter. The dog would not be given a temperament test, or given a chance what-so-ever... I was not happy when I heard about this. Since the dog had no tags, if animal control was called, he would have been taken to a shelter, and be automatically killed, even though he was EXTREMELY friendly (he was even trying to climb into people's laps, giving lots of kisses, wanting to play with everyone, and wanting lots of petting from everyone). It's not right or fair. I wish we could get it through the thick skulls of people that ANY breed of dog is capable of causing harm to others, and that if a dog attacks, it is generally either the owner's fault for not socializing the dog or improperly training the dog, or the one who was "attacked" for doing something that triggered the dog's response. I wish people would start taking responsibility for their actions/lack of responsibility for the dog and stop blaming the dogs for something that isn't their fault. It drives me crazy when someone does something that causes a dog to "attack" them, and then go and say the dog is vicious and want the dog killed. scream

The owner was eventually found and he was taken home. biggrin I had managed to take pictures of him with my cell phone (I don't normally take pictures with it unless I'm outside because it doesn't get good pictures otherwise). It was difficult since he didn't stay still much lol. I'll upload them on my next day off from work and post them. biggrin

While going over to my old college I used to attend to wait for my mom to get there to pick me up since I had been able to leave from work early, a black dog ran up to me excitedly. Thankfully he had tags, so I looked at them and called the number on the identification tag. His owner showed up shortly afterwords and took him. biggrin I didn't manage to get any pictures of him. I had to keep a firm grip on his collar to keep him from running off/running into the road