Kinda. I brought Pumpkin over with me to my dad's house so I could keep an eye on her. Well she's making a full turn around, eating solids and drinking tons of water. Love that little spitfire.

So I only brought a little baggie of hay with me since I wasn't expecting her to do a turn around like that, and my dad had recently ran out of hay. So today we went to the local tractor supply store, where they have lots of bulk feeds and such. It's where we got the rabbit's feed from (a 50 lb bag of show food for about $15), and their bedding and hay. Well, I was looking at their timothy bag and it was so small. We asked an employee if they had any larger bales, and long story short, the rabbits now have their show food and pelleted timothy hay. It was cheaper, higher quality, and in larger sizes. They seem to love it, and they're getting a lot more fiber then they were from their regular hay, so I'm happy.

What I'm also doing is calling a company nearby that does bulk paper shredding, and see if they'll give us some shredded paper for bedding, since they go through so. much. freaking. bedding. Ohmaigosh.