I'm thinking about making one for gaia.
It would probably be AU sixth year. Voldemort is still around, but Harry was never the "chosen one" so his parents are still alive and he has maybe two siblings. (other little changes to)

Deathly Hallows spoiler:
I would still have Voldemort's presence, greatly felt. Perhaps Snape would have the elder wand and rules over Hogwarts, with a few death eaters. But they didn't completely destroy the school. It would involve a subtle evil.

It wouldn't be complete slash, but let's call it very slash friendly.
No anime or animated pictures though, it would involve play bys like a traditional off site role play. *ie.: 98% of role plays that are hosted on their own forums*

How does this all sound to you guys? Should I do it?
Do you think that it would be popular?

Or should it be completely AU and non cannon?