Another one I made from boredom.

Rushing toward the open air my wings spread open as I growled and dived downward barely avoiding the ball of fire aimed at my back. I felt the heat sear along my spine and closed my wings and dived rapidly toward the planet below me. I felt and smelt the enemy behind me as they roared at me and aimed another ball of fire at me causing me to swirl in a circle to avoid barely noticing the earth rapidly approaching or should I say I rapidly approaching the unforgiving earth. I knew if I hit at this speed I'd die faster than the idiots chasing me. And I had no wish for a early death. Taking the chance of injury I lifted my wings and headed upward the wind ripping into my wings as I swept past the through the enemies ranks causing them to be jolted in surprise and caught of guard which in turn caused them both to crash hard into the ground killing tow of them instantly leaving the other one so injured I doubt he would be moving anytime soon if ever again for that matter. I just hoped he'd die much easier for me. Giving a breath of air that turned into a groan as the pain from my various wounds hit me I sighed and slowly landed this time taking my time as the armored gauntlet around my wrist glowed as the diamond inside shrunk and with it my body before I took the form of a more human like appearance. Even in my human form I felt the many wounds in my body and grimaced in pain as I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. Dull, so very dull would be the best way to describe my eyes. Grey in color and shorter than most I stood a lonely figure in the dust filled wasteland. What was left of my once proud homeland. Or the place I considered my home at least. I was the last of my kind and truth be told it was really depressing. The dragons were dead killed by our own cousins a sad tale indeed but one I had no time to think about. They were moving toward the planet known as Earth my old home and if I didn't get their in time human kind would be in trouble, I had to stop them at all cost. I may not have much love for my old race but no creature deserved the fate my race had suffered. I would make them pay at all cost that I promise.

Jennifer honked her car horn and growled under her breath mumbling a string of curses that would stop than continue almost never ending. Her husband sat beside her in the car doing his best effort not to laugh and look as serious as possible but was failing at it and just caused him a angry look from his newly wedded wife. They were on the way to a ceremony to celebrate the opening of the new National Science Study that had been founded by a private organization to study prehistoric fossils and bones that were not known by mankind and would help discover secrets that are supposed to be mysteries. Jennifer was one of the top research figures in the new facility and was late for the meeting but traffic had become backed up for some reason and she was slowly getting more and more furious. By the time they made it to the meeting the sky was dark and stars dotted the evening sky. The clock read only 6 but recent changes in the earth was making night and day come at odd times it was one of the reasons this new facility was created. Believed to be the moon moving closer to the earth the scientist believed that it would only last a few more days than end. The recent discovering of prehistoric animals in the ocean had them more interested and they ignored the moon and the strange nights and days. Jennifer quickly gathered her supplies and slipped on her coat giving her husband a kiss she ran inside.

I took my first breath of air from the planet known as earth and automatically covered my mouth and coughed. The corruption soaked the oxygen rich planet and was slowly killing it. If it haven't been for my want for revenge and this being my home planet I would have left it right than and there but I needed to make them pay for their crimes. Sniffing the air I looked toward the south. I knew that was were the ancestors had once lived. That was where I needed to go to find the weapon.

At the same time the same place that the strange man was looking for Jennifer and the rest of the scientist were at the same place. See the facility had one other purpose one that only the government knew of. Down deep in the earth crust. Far enough down where barely any human has ever passed a cavern hidden in time. In this cavern the greatest discovery made by man kind a place where old creatures lived and the largest fossils found. They were believed to be some sort of dinosaur but ones with wings some were saying dragons but scientist believed in possibility not impossibility. And dragons were fantasy they could never exist. That is possible humans biggest mistakes not believing in the possibility of something fake could be real. Studying these bones were the top priories in everyone’s mind and Jennifer lead the study having been the first to discover them.

I stared at the building below me my dull gray eyes mirrored the moon above me. They were here I know it, but so was humans. Their scent trails were everywhere. Revealing myself now may cause problems but I had little choice.

Jennifer and her assistant were having a animated discussion on the theory of bones and such when a explosion from above rocked the cavern. Everyone stopped and looked up curiously as the blast of alarms blared above them they all stood shocked when another explosion rocked the place and dust and rocks flew down on them. Than with a jolt the cavern entrance exploded open and a man stepped through the rubble.

I stared at those who were staring at me. So strange these humans. I used to be one but things change. Stepping around the rocks in front of me I spoke up. “I have no name humans, but a great danger is coming to this planet and there is something here I need. These bones are my ancestors long since died but their great blood runs through me. I need your help.”

Something about the voice and the eyes of the strange man sent a spark through Jennifer and she stepped toward him a look unlike anything in her eyes. “You can't be I know you, but you disappeared how can you be here” Tears ran down her eyes and she smiled and grabbed him and hugged him. “Oh my god Tamerial you are alive. I can't believe it.”