This is a Fanfic a friend of mine requested. It's not entirely done yet, mainly cause I have a little bit of writer's block!!

It's going to be about what would happen if My friend's and I crossed over into Kingdom of hearts 2 video game ! I'm trying to make it non Mary Sue'ish as possible!!!

This is all I've got so far!!


Who would of thought that, a video game could actually be a portal to another world, My friends and I certainty didn't believe it at first, we thought that it was just some strange dream that we were all sharing, and would eventually wake up from . But all that changed after a certain encounter!~

Chapter 1


There's nothing I hate more than waking up early..... If It were up to me I would sleep all day, But unfortunately I don't really have a option. Grouchy and groggy I slowly get up from my bed and turn off my nemesis the annoying alarm clock. And slowly head toward the bathroom to take a long hot shower, but to my demise my little sister Angela hogged the shower. Whenever she takes a shower it lasts more than one hour, and not to mention she takes them to often. Cause of her I'll probably end up late, And I don't want that to happen. That's another thing I hate besides having to wake up.


After a dreadful boring long wait I finally managed to take one. Though I had to take a real quick one cause I was running out of time, and I can't be late.

Quickly changing and running around to grab last minute things I head out the door. And take a shortcut through the woods to try to make it in time.

( lol yeah this basically all I have!! Can't say it's great but that's all I can think of!! Opinions or Idea's would be very appreciated!!)