Okay, so I always find this funny when it happens. You're watching a dubbed anime, and all of the sudden the characters are like, "Whoa, you can speak English? I don't know what you're saying!" And I think, "Hmm...I bet I missed something from the subbed version." So I'll switch it to the Japanese audio, and the character will say this incredibly slurred, bumbling form of English that I can't help but laugh at.

My favorite example of this is in Bamboo Blade. There's a minor character in there that's supposedly half Japanese that grew up in California, and had moved back to Japan with her father. The first episode she appears in, she gets in a fight with one of the main characters, and started yelling in "English" It's this horrible, long-voweled amalgamation of words that you could tell the voice actor has no experience with English at all.

I mean come on, there's huge American military bases over in Japan filled with people who speak English and Japanese. Would it really be that difficult to get one of them to voice over a minor character?

So, have any of you had experience with this in anime that you like?