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PostPosted: Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:50 pm

Doofworks Presents: Doof's COSWORTH: Shut up and Blam GAIDEN: Chapter 1 of the Pae Saga.

NB: This Diary contains more than just information on Cosworth.

NMB: This Diary is Canon.

-Faun, Male. Reclusive Inventor.
-Demon, Female. Benevolent Squire.
-Demon, Male. Fastidious Scholar.
-Faun, Male. Canny Soldier.  
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:03 pm

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Alignment: Faun
Sex: Male
Faction: Ancient 
Occupation: Inventor

Status: Adult 

RP Colour: Brown

Relationship Status: Widowed- Not looking
Sexual Preference: Females 

Personality: Cosworth has sought out a life of seclusion, keeping interactions with others to a minimum. Although quite polite and willing to take in travelers in need, Cosworth tends to be very reserved and not usually open towards casual visitors. When at home, he likes to absorb himself with his experiments, quiet and steadfast, usually not saying a word until disturbed or successful in his effort. If out traveling or visiting the tree, his demeanour is polite and respectful, but he speaks no more than he needs to.
Although grumpy if pushed, he is not malicious towards any Pae and does have a strong conscience that guides his actions. That notwithstanding, if he finds himself faced with a situation requiring a course of action that may cause pain to another, but is ultimately necessary, he would do it without hesitation.
With pae he knows well, he tends to engage in conversation in a quiet and restrained fashion until the topic shifts to machinery- at which point his speech becomes quicker and more enthusiastic. His features tend to brighten when he can talk about something he is passionate about.

Appearance: Cosworth is an adult male faun, with dark brown fur with lighter patches on his belly, chest, fur and lower face, black hair and raked back antlers that appear slightly abused, stripped of most of their leaves. He is usually wearing comfortable, light-coloured shorts with large, functional pockets, a tool belt with assorted tools, the most prominent of which is a Laisidhiel-wood hammer and he wears goggles upon his head, made with a combination of wood, leather, metal and golden-coloured lenses cast from Laisidhiel’s sap. The deaths of his family cause him frequent and crushing periods of sadness, even so many years after they occurred, and this shows on his features. Although pae do not naturally age, countless seasons of depression, poor personal care, substance abuse and lack of any healing attention have weathered him for the worse, in the form of lines on his face, a slightly hunched posture and a scruffy fur coat. He stands a couple of inches taller than most male Faun, but appears to be of a slightly frailer constitution, being lankier also than most of his kind. Although there is not a great deal of fat on his body, this is more a result of poor nutrition than frequent exercise.

Weapon: None (yet?)
Tools: Laisidhiel-wood Hammer, assorted tools on toolbelt

Powers and Abilities 
Unique Ability
Engineer- An uncanny and intuitive understanding of combustion, basic mechanics and force allows him to design and build combustion engines and associated accessories, as well as determine and produce (where possible) appropriate fuels for his engines. He has figured out some basic applications for the useful energy they produce, but he lacks the imagination to use them in the creative ways they might be used in a modern context.

Faction Abilities
Faun Adult
Elemental Shield - stronger still, able to absorb up to 3 hits from an oponent (physical or magic). Replaces Teenager's Shadow Shield
Elemental Bomb - concentrated mass of element that will explode upon impact, effecting anything within 10 yards. CANNOT KILL but each element will affect differently. (fire=lingering burn, water=drench, can in turn be frozen, air=shockwave, void=stun, earth=rock shrapnel)
Elemental Boost - When in their native element, they will have greater maneuverability, they will be resistant to their native element (fire cannot hurt fire). [cost=none, this is a natural boost Ancients get when they become adults]
NOTE: Cosworth has shown precisely zero aptitude for any Faun active abilities, and only marginal evidence for the passive agility boost.

Brewer- Cosworth has little skill in foraging or hunting, but has come to a rudimentary understanding of tea, both its production and its brewing. He has a reasonably decent blend that tends to be on the strong side but has merit both as a breakfast tea and an afternoon pick-me-up. He also distills his own liquor from foraged fruits and grains- this product is not nearly as palatable (if safe to consume at all), and Cosworth himself will only drink it if there is nothing else available.


: Kiana
Had it not been for the accident that occurred before the Tree rejoined the isle of Telrunya, Cosworth and Kiana would have been one of the Faun’s longest-married couples by this point. The two met, courted, wed and produced a child (Sierra) before the Laisidhiel descended from the skies. Kiana was a striking faun to look at, with richly-coloured red-brown fur, red hair and bright blue eyes. Although much shorter than Cosworth, she nonetheless seemed to have more body to her, with broad hips and a generous bosom, like most female faun. She was known for her quiet kindness, although she was less restrained around Cosworth, and the two enjoyed teasing each other when alone.
Children: Sierra
Sierra was almost upon her teen years when their accident occurred. She inherited a blend of her parents’ features, with orange fur, very dark brown hair and emerald green eyes. She had white spots on her back that she still had not grown out of at the time of her death. Sierra was unlike her parents in that she was outgoing, fun-loving and very keen on spending time with as many other faun as possible. Her bubbly personality was sometimes a headache, but more often than not it brought her parents great joy.

Ede: A metallic-grey and bronze-eyed parasprite who sometimes hangs around Cosworth’s cottage. Although Cosworth has trained it somewhat, he does not force it to stick around, and does not worry too much about it when it is not staying at his home. It is very friendly and approachable, and perhaps just a little too trusting of strangers.

House furnace: His home has a large, stone and steel furnace that he uses for heat, cooking, and steam generation for the home.
Old engines: Cosworth has several steam or wind-driven devices that were once great achievements of his, but now serve ancillary purposes, like producing boiled water or just making noise.
Steam engine: His latest engine is an external combustion steam engine, with a single piston, a boiler and a flywheel attached to a driveshaft. Within reach are some modular drives he has been experimenting with, such as an air compressor, and a fan.



PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:04 pm

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Alignment: Demon
Sex: Female
Faction: Light
Occupation: Squire

Status: Teen

RP Colour: Dark Red

Relationship Status: Single?
Sexual Preference: Males

Personality: Katya is a demon that has led a privileged, but demanding young life. She has every need and many of her wants catered to her, but in exchange she has vowed to devote her entire being to the Guardians and whatever task they ask of her. As a result, she is a very devout individual, giving herself to and putting her trust in the Guardians’ power. She is a shy individual, but very friendly once she is at ease; provided you hail from the Light faction. If you were to be a heretic, she would not be at ease at all. She would do anything for her comrades, and can keep her cool in a dangerous situation, yet she meekly regards herself as merely a supporting squire, and doesn’t have the assertive nature needed to make decisions under pressure, or even to assert herself in casual conversation. She is not as zealously driven to hate the ancients. She wants them defeated- not annihilated. It is her personal belief that the heretics must be brought to obedience under the Guardians rather than destroyed outright.
The pursuit of flight is this demon’s favorite way to pass time and also acts as a release from the rigors of training to be a knight. She will be much more confident, assertive and relaxed when in flight.

Appearance: With bright red skin and yellow stripes, Katya is fairly easy to spot in a crowd. Her hair is brown and unruly, usually tied up at the rear, and her eyes are bright gold in colour, as it is with all the other Squires. Katya has a broad, pleasant face with youthful features and slightly chubby cheeks. She is considerably shorter than most female demons her age, and shows no promise towards growing much taller. As a Squire, she has a great deal of athleticism evident in her build, although less so than her comrades. She is lean and fairly wiry, in contrast with her somewhat thicker face, with an unremarkable bust but a very generous rear end.
Her most noticeable features are her wings; they are disproportionally large, doubly so because of her short stature, and triply so because she is still a teen, and these wings would be considered large on an adult. They make her a little clumsy and cumbersome on the ground, but unmatched by her peers in the air. Despite her wiry appearance, her wing muscles are very developed, and the areas around her back and chest that bear them are similarly developed.
In casual settings, Katya sports a knee-length white skirt and an assortment of sleeved and sleeveless tops, and for missions she wears a slightly shorter white skirt and a gold breastplate.

Weapon: Common Short Bow
Proficiency: Very high
Katya is highly accurate and can maintain a high rate of fire with her bow, her specialty being shots on the fly- literally, as she zigzags through the sky and swoops for deadly air strikes. The limitation of the short bow means that she needs to be relatively close to the opponent, and it is not very useful against properly armoured opponents.

Unique Ability
- By being within a several yards of another Pae, Katya can seek harmony with their source of magic and amplify the other pae's unique ability. She can normally amplify other Pae's ability by a factor of two, but with intense focus and very close physical proximity, she can overcharge other pae's abilities to an even greater extent, or multiple pae at once. 

Faction Abilities
Squire Teen

Cleanse - A spell to cleanse taint, but with limits.
- Note: A pae can only fully cleanse another pae that is one stage (or more) younger. In order to cleanse beasts or Pae'il of equal age (same stage), they have to weaken them first by battling. Players of tainted Pae'il do have the right to refuse cleansing.
Holy Aegis - A self-protecting shield that will deflect one attack per battle. If the attacker is a stage older, it will only deflect half the damage.
Light Lance - A sharp and focused beam of light that can be fired from a weapon and pierce magical barriers. It will harm whoever is behind the barrier, but not destroy the barrier. It will take all Holy Knight's concentrating their Light Lance together to weaken a magical barrier enough to break through. (as adults. Teens are half-strength)
Pure Light - A simple healing spell that will heal minor damage and restore some energy. Can be used on anyone, and will act as a damaging spell if cast on a member of the Dark faction.

Knight Training- The Light trainers of Telrunya City have instructed Katya since a very young age. Although not as naturally gifted as her comrades, she still works hard and has absorbed enough to be a significant force on the battlefield, or a wise counsel when needed.
Aerobat- Katya is physically adept, exceptionally skilled and very knowledgeable regarding flight. She has an exceptional blend of speed, maneuverability, power and technique when airborne, and when in combat at the same time employs a highly evasive and dynamic fighting/flying style that she developed for herself.
Airborne Tactician- Although untested on a real battlefield, Katya has good situational awareness, particularly in three dimensions. Her grasp of kinetic and potential energy, as well as vectors and aerodynamics makes her able to command the skies, whether alone or with a squadron behind her.

Important Plot RP:
PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:05 pm

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Alignment: Demon
Sex: Male
Faction: Light
Occupation: Scholar

Status: Adult

RP Colour: Dark Blue

Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Preference: Males

Personality: Nimriel is almost two individuals depending on what circumstances he finds himself in. Around other pae, usually in Telrunya City, he is a well-spoken, well-groomed and fastidious (many might say fussy). He enjoys fine dining, fine clothing, and fine company. Although he has a history of hedonism, in recent years he has focused more on his responsibilities, working harder, whilst aiming for more sophisticated experiences in his free time. He prefers erudite company, as over the years he has found simpler folk to be either boring (the uninformed) or irritating (the ignorant- there is a difference).
The other side of his personality is a result of his chosen occupation- studying and cataloguing Dragnid beasts. Away from the comforts of the city, he is a relentless survivor, living as simply as he needs to in order to remain around Dragnid Forest as long as possible to study various threatening species. If encountered in this environment he is likely to still be well-spoken, although a lot more terse than otherwise.

Appearance: Nimriel is a bright silver-skinned demon with dark blue crescent markings, wings and eyes.
When in Telrunya City, Nimriel can usually be seen wearing some sort of fine garments, his favorite being a fitted black tunic suit and black slacks with some silver trim and buttons. He is well-groomed, with a lean but athletic figure and a perpetually bored expression on his face. He carries himself upright, with both grace and precision, whether around other pae or by himself.
Nimriel’s entire disposition (and wardrobe) change when he goes on an expedition. His movements, while still precise and graceful, are no longer formal and upright- he moves like a jungle cat, slinking through the undergrowth as stealthily as possible. His usual preference for grooming takes a backseat as he simply allows nature to take its toll on him. He covers his silver skin with rough brown garments to aid in camouflage.

Weapon: None

Powers and Abilities 
Unique Ability

Faction Abilities
Demon Adult:
Light Shield - bright light shield that can distract enemy, provide cover, and absorbs one magic attack, even while moving. Replaces Teenager's Light Shield [Limit: 3]
Solar Shower - sparks of concentrated light fall on the designated area, illuminating it, and causing moderate physical damage (burns-like sparks from a welder). [Limit: 3]
Apparate - When in light, Pae can transport self to any other location, provided they have been there before and can create a clear mental image of the spot they wish to go. [Limit: 1 per 24 hour day]

Monstrozoologist- Nimriel has spent a large portion of his adult life observing, studying and cataloguing some of the most dangerous beasts from the fringes of Dragnid. Although he frequently seeks to go deeper and see new examples, he has a knack of knowing when he would be overextending himself, and manages to stay out of trouble- for the most part.
Survival- Nimriel is adept at avoiding danger, being able to elude monster attacks and monsters themselves, as well as avoiding some of the natural dangers of Dragnid forest. This does not mean that he can be counted on to defeat a Dragnid beast, just escape one. He can also fend for himself in most remote wildernesses on the island, although this is more limited in the mountains, as he is comparatively unfamiliar with them.
Sketch Artist- Nimriel primarily uses his artistic talents to draw creatures for his beast files, but is known to occasionally draw other subjects just for the fun of it.



PostPosted: Mon Jul 07, 2014 12:08 pm

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Alignment: Faun
Sex: Male
Faction: Ancient 
Occupation: Warrior

Status: Adult 

RP Colour: Dark Red

Relationship Status: Single (?)
Sexual Preference: Faun, either gender but leans towards female

Personality: This old faun rarely acts his age. He has always been a good hunter with keen instincts, but was more than ready to answer the call for warriors when the time came. His snarky comments and harsh sense of humour rub many the wrong way, but in truth his insulting jokes are evidence that his conversation partner might have endeared themselves to him. He respects pae who can give as good as they get in a verbal sparring match.
Kilot is energetic and enjoys a hearty drink, a good scrap and the company of a shapely (and/or sturdy) faun. He is not overly loud, but can get carried away when he is having a good time. Although socially he tends to put his problems off indefinitely and can be quite whimsical, when it comes to strategic or tactical matters he has a keen and focused mind and has little time for wavering individuals.

Appearance: Although he is of average height for a male faun, Kilot cuts an imposing figure. He is very well-muscled, with broad shoulders and a deep chest suggesting great strength, rich, red-brown fur and hair, and piercing ice-blue eyes, as well as bright blue markings that resemble tribal tattoos. His antlers are the usual curvy, Laisidhiel-branch ones common to most Faun. Kilot carries himself confidently, standing up straight and chest out, a classic military stance. His thick limbs also ripple with muscle, although he has some light scarring on his arms from less-than-favourable encounters with wild beasts. His almost-shoulder-length hair is unruly, but it seems to have some method to it, as it seems to look the same most of the time. He doesn’t wear clothes unless on duty, although he will adopt clothing as necessary depending on the situation. When preparing for combat, he has his own set of heavy armour that he fashioned out of sturdy wood, with adequate coverage.

Weapons: Common Hunting Bow / Laisidhiel-wood Two-Handed Warhammer
Proficiency: High / Medium
Kilot has honed his archery through his role as a hunter, but has recently begun to learn the old ways of the warhammer. Although he carries a shield on his back, he has chosen to train himself in the two-handed weapon for an edge in the attack.

Powers and Abilities 
Unique Ability

Faction Abilities
Faun Adult:
Elemental Shield - stronger still, able to absorb up to 3 hits from an oponent (physical or magic). Replaces Teenager's Shadow Shield
Elemental Bomb - concentrated mass of element that will explode upon impact, effecting anything within 10 yards. CANNOT KILL but each element will affect differently. (fire=lingering burn, water=drench, can in turn be frozen, air=shockwave, void=stun, earth=rock shrapnel)
Elemental Boost - When in their native element, they will have greater maneuverability, they will be resistant to their native element (fire cannot hurt fire). [cost=none, this is a natural boost Ancients get when they become adults]

Hunter- Skilled with bow and knife, Kilot knows how to gather meat in the wilderness. Although this was once his trade, he has since decided to pursue a military life, and as such his ability to hunt is supplemental to his new role, allowing him to provide for himself and others with him if isolated, far from home.
Faun Martial Arts- He is well versed in the Faun way of fighting, with several layers of defense and a broad, solid stance that is very hard to dislodge. Although not the quickest fighter, he is an expert at getting the maximum effectiveness out of minimal movements.
Tactician- Although untested on a real battlefield, Kilot has good situational awareness and can read the flow of a conflict, responding swiftly and effectively to a changing situation.
:[ Pae'il Diaries ]: ~ Player Maintained

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